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Stably stratified turbulence and clear air-cloud interfaces (in preparazione) / Gallana, Luca; DE SANTI, Francesca; DI SAVINO, Silvio; Iovieno, Michele; Tordella, Daniela. - (In corso di stampa). In corso di stampa GALLANA, LUCADE SANTI, FRANCESCADI SAVINO, SILVIOIOVIENO, MICHELETORDELLA, Daniela -
A Numerical Code for The Study of Water Droplets' Growth, Collision, Coalescence and Clustering Inside Turbulent Warm Cloud-Clear Air Interfaces / Ruggiero, V.; Codoni, David; Tordella, D.. - (2018). [10.5281/zenodo.2633679] 1-gen-2018 CODONI, DAVIDD. Tordella + White_paper_Ruggiero_Codoni_Tordella.pdf
Aerodynamics of a rigid curved kite wing / G., Manieia; Tribuzi, Caterina; Tordella, Daniela; Iovieno, Michele. - ELETTRONICO. - (arXiv:1306.4148, submitted to Renewable Energy):(2013). 1-gen-2013 TRIBUZI, CATERINATORDELLA, DanielaIOVIENO, MICHELE + kite_arxiv.pdf
Dimensionality influence on energy, enstrophy and passive scalar transport / Iovieno, Michele; Ducasse, Lauris; DI SAVINO, Silvio; Gallana, Luca; Tordella, Daniela. - ELETTRONICO. - CINECA SuperComputing Applications and Innovation:Special Features(2013). 1-gen-2013 IOVIENO, MICHELEDUCASSE, LAURISDI SAVINO, SILVIOGALLANA, LUCATORDELLA, Daniela -
"Philofluid" parallel spectral code for the direct numerical simulation of turbulence / Iovieno, Michele; Gallana, Luca; Tordella, Daniela. - ELETTRONICO. - (2012). 1-gen-2012 IOVIENO, MICHELEGALLANA, LUCATORDELLA, Daniela -
"Philofluid" turbulent flow database / Iovieno, Michele; Bailey, P. R.; Ducasse, L.; Tordella, Daniela. - ELETTRONICO. - (2012). 1-gen-2012 IOVIENO, MICHELETORDELLA, Daniela + database_philofluid_ing.pdf
Philofluid Hydrodynamic Stability Database / Scarsoglio, Stefania; DE SANTI, Francesca; Tordella, Daniela. - ELETTRONICO. - (2012). 1-gen-2012 SCARSOGLIO, STEFANIADE SANTI, FRANCESCATORDELLA, Daniela -
Philofluid Hydrodynamic Stability Software / Scarsoglio, Stefania; DE SANTI, Francesca; Tordella, Daniela. - ELETTRONICO. - (2012). 1-gen-2012 SCARSOGLIO, STEFANIADE SANTI, FRANCESCATORDELLA, Daniela -
PHILOFLUID sito di gruppo di ricerca, webhosting del Politecnico di Torino / Tordella, Daniela; Iovieno, Michele; Scarsoglio, Stefania; DE SANTI, Francesca; Fraternale, Federico; Gallana, Luca. - (2012). 1-gen-2012 TORDELLA, DanielaIOVIENO, MICHELESCARSOGLIO, STEFANIADE SANTI, FRANCESCAFRATERNALE, FEDERICOGALLANA, LUCA -
Selective large-eddy simulation of hypersonic flows. Procedure to activate the filtering in unresolved regions only (arXiv:1211.1305, submitted to Computer Physics Communications) / Tordella, Daniela; Iovieno, Michele; S., Massaglia; A., Mignone. - ELETTRONICO. - arXiv:1211.1305:(2012), pp. 1-12. 1-gen-2012 TORDELLA, DanielaIOVIENO, MICHELE + arxiv1211.1305v1.pdf
Technical assessment of MPI code and development and comparison of hybrid openMP/MPI code for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations / DI SAVINO, Silvio; Iovieno, Michele; Tordella, Daniela; DE SANTI, Francesca; Scarsoglio, Stefania; Gallana, Luca; L., Verso. - (2012). 1-gen-2012 DI SAVINO, SILVIOIOVIENO, MICHELETORDELLA, DanielaDE SANTI, FRANCESCASCARSOGLIO, STEFANIAGALLANA, LUCA + -
Turbulence Mixing and the Study of Clouds, VentureFest 2012, , Building a Better Economy, June 19 2012, Said Business School, Oxford (UK) / Tordella, Daniela. - STAMPA. - Building a Better Economy:(2012), pp. 65-65. (Intervento presentato al convegno VentureFest 2012 tenutosi a Said Business School, Oxford (UK) nel June 19, 2012). 1-gen-2012 TORDELLA, Daniela pres_nuvole.pdf
Transients of Three-dimensional Perturbations andthe Role of Long Waves in the Plane Wake. Relationships with Turbulence, Seminar, Massachussets Institute of Technology, Ruben R. Rosales chair, Thursday, April 1, 2010 / Tordella, Daniela. - (2010). 1-gen-2010 TORDELLA, Daniela -
Determination of Density and concentration from fluorescent images of a gas flow, Ludwig Prandtl – Fluid Dynamics Seminar (chair E.Bodenschatz), July 2, 2008, Max Plank Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Gottingen, Germany / Tordella, Daniela. - (2008). (Intervento presentato al convegno Seminar tenutosi a Max Planck Institute, Goettingen nel July 1 - 2, 2008). 1-gen-2008 TORDELLA, Daniela slidesgot08.pdf
Numerical Simulations of the flow past airfoils and wings. Nota scientifica e tecnica DIASP n.274 / Tribuzi, Caterina; Iovieno, Michele; Tordella, Daniela. - STAMPA. - (2008), pp. 1-34. 1-gen-2008 TRIBUZI, CATERINAIOVIENO, MICHELETORDELLA, Daniela -
Statistics of the interaction between two isotropic turbulent fields and perspectives. Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure, France (chair, Jean Francois Pinton, International Cooperation on Turbulence Research), / Tordella, Daniela. - (2008). 1-gen-2008 TORDELLA, Daniela -
Velocity derivative statistics in the shearless mixing, European Mechanics Society, Euromech Colloqium 501, Mixing of coastal, estuarine and riverine shallow flows, Ancona , 8-11 June, 2008, G.J.van Heijst, M.Brocchini hosting. / Tordella, Daniela; Iovieno, Michele. - (2008). (Intervento presentato al convegno Euromech Colloqium 501, Mixing of coastal, estuarine and riverine shallow flows tenutosi a Ancona nel 8-11 June, 2008). 1-gen-2008 TORDELLA, DanielaIOVIENO, MICHELE Euromech_Colloquim_501.pdf
A new Finite Difference Navier-Stokes code combined with the immersed Boundary method. Nota Scientifica e Tecnica DIASP n.261 / A., Zito; Iovieno, Michele; Tordella, Daniela. - (2007). 1-gen-2007 IOVIENO, MICHELETORDELLA, Daniela + -
New developments in laboratory hypersonic jets. Work Shop of the Center for Magnetic Self-Organization in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas (CMSO), Alba, September 29, 2007 / Tordella, Daniela; DE PONTE, S; Belan, M.. - (2007). 1-gen-2007 TORDELLA, Daniela + -
Teoria della stabilita' di Orr-Sommerfeld, progressi a cent'anni dalla sua prima formulazione, 12 Giugno 2007, Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Adunanza della Classe - Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali / Tordella, Daniela. - (2007). 1-gen-2007 TORDELLA, Daniela accedemia.ppt