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Molar Entropy and Enthalpy of CO Adsorbed in Zeolites as Derived from VTIR Data: Role of Intermolecular Modes / Garrone, E.; Otero Arean, C.; Rodriguez Delgado, M.; Bonelli, B.. - In: CHEMISTRYOPEN. - ISSN 2191-1363. - 9:5(2020), pp. 599-606. [10.1002/open.202000019] 1-gen-2020 Garrone E.Bonelli B. + open.202000019.pdf
How Many Chemical Elements are there in the Universe? A (not so) Bohring Question / Garrone, Edoardo; Areán, C. O.; Bonelli, Barbara. - In: WORLD JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION. - ISSN 2375-1657. - 5:1(2017), pp. 20-22. [10.12691/wjce-5-1-4] 1-gen-2017 GARRONE, EDOARDOBONELLI, BARBARA + -
Probing gas adsorption in zeolites by variable-temperature IR spectroscopy: An overview of current research / Garrone, Edoardo; Delgado, Montserrat R.; Bonelli, Barbara; Arean, Carlos O.. - In: MOLECULES. - ISSN 1420-3049. - ELETTRONICO. - 22:9(2017), p. 1557. [10.3390/molecules22091557] 1-gen-2017 Garrone, EdoardoBonelli, Barbara + molecules-22-01557-v2.pdf
Role of pH in the aqueous phase reactivity of zerovalent iron nanoparticles with acid orange 7, a model molecule of azo dyes / Freyria, F. S.; Esposito, S.; Armandi, M.; Deorsola, F.; Garrone, E.; Bonelli, B.. - In: JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS. - ISSN 1687-4110. - 2017:(2017), pp. 1-13. [10.1155/2017/2749575] 1-gen-2017 Freyria, F. S.Esposito, S.Armandi, M.Deorsola, F.Garrone, E.Bonelli, B. -
Application of highly porous materials for simazine removal from aqueous solutions / Esposito, Serena; Garrone, Edoardo; Marocco, Antonello; Pansini, Michele; Martinelli, Paola; Sannino, Filomena. - In: ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY. - ISSN 1479-487X. - 37:19(2016), pp. 2428-2434. [10.1080/09593330.2016.1151461] 1-gen-2016 Esposito, SerenaGarrone, Edoardo + enviromental tech 2016.pdf
Isomorphic substitution of aluminium by iron into single-walled alumino-silicate nanotubes: A physico-chemical insight into the structural and adsorption properties of Fe-doped imogolite / Shafia, E.; Esposito, S.; Armandi, M.; Manzoli, M.; Garrone, E.; Bonelli, B.. - In: MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS. - ISSN 1387-1811. - 224:(2016), pp. 229-238. [10.1016/j.micromeso.2015.11.044] 1-gen-2016 Shafia, E.Esposito, S.Armandi, M.Garrone, E.Bonelli, B. + -
Reactivity of bare and Fe-doped alumino-silicate nanotubes (imogolite) with H2O2 and the azo-dye Acid Orange 7 / Shafia, Ehsan; Esposito, Serena; Armandi, Marco; Bahadori, Elnaz; Garrone, Edoardo; Bonelli, Barbara. - In: CATALYSIS TODAY. - ISSN 0920-5861. - (2016). [10.1016/j.cattod.2015.10.011] 1-gen-2016 SHAFIA, EHSANEsposito, SerenaARMANDI, MARCOBAHADORI, ELNAZGARRONE, EDOARDOBONELLI, BARBARA -
Adsorption of simazine on zeolite H-Y and sol–gel technique manufactured porous silica: A comparative study in model and natural waters / Sannino, Filomena; Marocco, Antonello; Garrone, Edoardo; Esposito, Serena; Pansini, Michele. - In: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH. PART B. PESTICIDES, FOOD CONTAMINANTS, AND AGRICULTURAL WASTES. - ISSN 0360-1234. - 50:11(2015), pp. 777-787. [10.1080/03601234.2015.1058094] 1-gen-2015 Marocco, AntonelloGarrone, EdoardoEsposito, SerenaPansini, Michele + J. env. sci and health 2015.pdf
Al/Fe isomorphic substitution versus Fe2O3 clusters formation in Fe-doped aluminosilicate nanotubes (imogolite) / Shafia, Ehsan; Esposito, Serena; Manzoli, Maela; Chiesa, Mario; Tiberto, Paola; Barrera, Gabriele; Menard, Gabriel; Allia, PAOLO MARIA EUGENIO ICILIO; Freyria, FRANCESCA STEFANIA; Garrone, Edoardo; Bonelli, Barbara. - In: JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH. - ISSN 1388-0764. - STAMPA. - 17:8(2015), pp. 1-14. [10.1007/s11051-015-3130-2] 1-gen-2015 SHAFIA, EHSANEsposito, SerenaCHIESA, MARIOALLIA, PAOLO MARIA EUGENIO ICILIOFREYRIA, FRANCESCA STEFANIAGARRONE, EDOARDOBONELLI, Barbara + -
Anti-oxidant/pro-oxidant activity of ascorbic acid: Effect in the degradation of Acid Orange 7 with H2O2 catalyzed by transition metal ions / Piumetti, Marco; Freyria, FRANCESCA STEFANIA; Armandi, Marco; Saracco, Guido; Garrone, Edoardo; Bonelli, Barbara. - In: CHIMICA OGGI-CHEMISTRY TODAY. - ISSN 0392-839X. - 33:3(2015), pp. 40-45. 1-gen-2015 PIUMETTI, MARCOFREYRIA, FRANCESCA STEFANIAARMANDI, MARCOSARACCO, GUIDOGARRONE, EDOARDOBONELLI, BARBARA -
Catalytic degradation of Acid Orange 7 by H2O2 as promoted by either bare or V-loaded titania under UV light, in dark conditions, and after incubating the catalysts in ascorbic acid / Piumetti, Marco; Freyria, FRANCESCA STEFANIA; Armandi, Marco; Saracco, Guido; Garrone, Edoardo; Gonzalez, Giovanny Esteban; Bonelli, Barbara. - In: CATALYSIS, STRUCTURE & REACTIVITY. - ISSN 2055-074X. - 1:4(2015), pp. 183-191. [10.1080/2055074X.2015.1105618] 1-gen-2015 PIUMETTI, MARCOFREYRIA, FRANCESCA STEFANIAARMANDI, MARCOSARACCO, GUIDOGARRONE, EDOARDOBONELLI, BARBARA + -
Effect of surface area on the rate of photocatalytic water oxidation as promoted by different manganese oxides / OTTONE MELIS, CARMINNA SOPHIA; Armandi, Marco; HERNANDEZ RIBULLEN, SIMELYS PRIS; Bensaid, Samir; Fontana, Marco; Pirri, Candido Fabrizio; Saracco, Guido; Garrone, Edoardo; Bonelli, Barbara. - In: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. - ISSN 1385-8947. - 278:(2015), pp. 36-45. [10.1016/j.cej.2015.01.014] 1-gen-2015 OTTONE MELIS, CARMINNA SOPHIAARMANDI, MARCOHERNANDEZ RIBULLEN, SIMELYS PRISBENSAID, SAMIRFONTANA, MARCOSARACCO, GUIDOGARRONE, EDOARDOBONELLI, Barbara + -
Nanoparticles of CoAPO-5: synthesis and comparison with microcrystalline samples / Esposito, Serena; Bonelli, Barbara; Armandi, Marco; Garrone, Edoardo; Saracco, Guido. - In: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. - ISSN 1463-9076. - STAMPA. - 17:16(2015), pp. 10774-10780. [10.1039/C5CP00191A] 1-gen-2015 Serena EspositoBarbara BonelliMarco ArmandiEdoardo GarroneGuido Saracco PCCP nano.pdf
The role of outer surface/inner bulk Brønsted acidic sites in the adsorption of a large basic molecule (simazine) on H-Y zeolite / Sannino, Filomena; Pansini, Michele; Marocco, Antonello; Bonelli, Barbara; Garrone, Edoardo; Esposito, Serena. - In: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. - ISSN 1463-9076. - STAMPA. - 17:43(2015), pp. 28950-28957. [10.1039/c5cp05085e] 1-gen-2015 BONELLI, BarbaraGARRONE, EDOARDOEsposito, Serena + -
A new method for studying activity and reaction kinetics of photocatalytic water oxidation systems using a bubbling reactor / HERNANDEZ RIBULLEN, SIMELYS PRIS; Bensaid, Samir; Armandi, Marco; Sacco, Adriano; Chiodoni, Angelica; Bonelli, Barbara; Garrone, Edoardo; Pirri, Candido; Saracco, Guido. - In: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. - ISSN 1385-8947. - STAMPA. - 238:(2014), pp. 17-26. [10.1016/j.cej.2013.08.094] 1-gen-2014 HERNANDEZ RIBULLEN, SIMELYS PRISBENSAID, SAMIRARMANDI, MARCOSACCO, ADRIANOCHIODONI, ANGELICABONELLI, BarbaraGARRONE, EDOARDOPIRRI, CandidoSARACCO, GUIDO Hernandez et al_ChemEngJ_Post-print after proofs.pdf
Fe- and V-doped mesoporous titania prepared by direct synthesis: Characterization and role in the oxidation of AO7 by H2O2 in the dark / Piumetti, Marco; Freyria, FRANCESCA STEFANIA; Armandi, Marco; Geobaldo, Francesco; Garrone, Edoardo; Bonelli, Barbara. - In: CATALYSIS TODAY. - ISSN 0920-5861. - STAMPA. - 227:(2014), pp. 71-79. [10.1016/j.cattod.2013.11.013] 1-gen-2014 PIUMETTI, MARCOFREYRIA, FRANCESCA STEFANIAARMANDI, MARCOGEOBALDO, FRANCESCOGARRONE, EDOARDOBONELLI, Barbara -
Outer Co(ii) ions in Co-ZIF-67 reversibly adsorb oxygen from both gas phase and liquid water / Saracco, Guido; VANKOVA KRASIMIROVA, Svetoslava; Pagliano, Cristina; Bonelli, Barbara; Garrone, Edoardo. - In: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. - ISSN 1463-9076. - STAMPA. - 16:(2014), pp. 6139-6145. [10.1039/c3cp54896a] 1-gen-2014 SARACCO, GUIDOVANKOVA KRASIMIROVA, SVETOSLAVAPAGLIANO, CRISTINABONELLI, BarbaraGARRONE, EDOARDO -
The behaviour of an old catalyst revisited in a wet environment: Co ions in APO-5 split water under mild conditions / Bonelli, Barbara; Armandi, Marco; HERNANDEZ RIBULLEN, SIMELYS PRIS; VANKOVA KRASIMIROVA, Svetoslava; Edvige, Celasco; Maura, Tomatis; Saracco, Guido; Garrone, Edoardo. - In: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. - ISSN 1463-9076. - STAMPA. - 16:(2014), pp. 7074-7082. [10.1039/c4cp00320a] 1-gen-2014 BONELLI, BarbaraARMANDI, MARCOHERNANDEZ RIBULLEN, SIMELYS PRISVANKOVA KRASIMIROVA, SVETOSLAVASARACCO, GUIDOGARRONE, EDOARDO + -
Thick mesoporous TiO2 films through a sol–gel method involving a non-ionic surfactant: Characterization and enhanced performance for water photo-electrolysis / HIDALGO DIAZ, DIANA CAROLINA; Messina, Riccardo; Sacco, Adriano; Manfredi, DIEGO GIOVANNI; VANKOVA KRASIMIROVA, Svetoslava; Garrone, Edoardo; Saracco, Guido; HERNANDEZ RIBULLEN, SIMELYS PRIS. - In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. - ISSN 0360-3199. - 39:(2014), pp. 21512-21522. [10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.02.163] 1-gen-2014 HIDALGO DIAZ, DIANA CAROLINAMESSINA, RICCARDOSACCO, ADRIANOMANFREDI, DIEGO GIOVANNIVANKOVA KRASIMIROVA, SVETOSLAVAGARRONE, EDOARDOSARACCO, GUIDOHERNANDEZ RIBULLEN, SIMELYS PRIS -
Eu-doped α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles with modified magnetic properties / Freyria, FRANCESCA STEFANIA; Gabriele, Barrera; Paola, Tiberto; Elena, Belluso; Davide, Levy; Saracco, Guido; Allia, PAOLO MARIA EUGENIO ICILIO; Garrone, Edoardo; Bonelli, Barbara. - In: JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY. - ISSN 0022-4596. - STAMPA. - 201:(2013), pp. 302-311. [10.1016/j.jssc.2013.03.018] 1-gen-2013 FREYRIA, FRANCESCA STEFANIASARACCO, GUIDOALLIA, PAOLO MARIA EUGENIO ICILIOGARRONE, EDOARDOBONELLI, Barbara + -