A flexible resistive Read-Out Circuit suitable to multi-purpose ZnO nanostructured transducers for robotic applications
2015 Damilano, Alessia; Crepaldi, Marco; Hayat, Hafiz Muhammad Afzal; Demarchi, Danilo
A 130 nm event-driven voltage and temperature insensitive capacitive ROC
2014 Damilano, Alessia; Crepaldi, Marco; MOTTO ROS, Paolo; Demarchi, Danilo
A Non-coherent IR-UWB Receiver for High Sensitivity Short Distance Estimation.
2014 Crepaldi, Marco; MOTTO ROS, Paolo; Bonanno, Alberto; Morello, Marco; Demarchi, Danilo
A 130nm PMOS drain-degenerated ratioless level-shifter for near-threshold designs
2013 Crepaldi, Marco; MOTTO ROS, Paolo; Graziano, Mariagrazia; Demarchi, Danilo
A Low-Power Read-Out Circuit and Low-Cost Assembly of Nanosensors onto a 0.13 μm CMOS Micro-for-Nano Chip
2013 Bonanno, Alberto; Cauda, Valentina Alice; Crepaldi, Marco; MOTTO ROS, Paolo; Morello, Marco; Demarchi, Danilo; Civera, Pierluigi
A Wireless Address-Event Representation System for ATC-Based Multi-Channel Force Wireless Transmission
2013 MOTTO ROS, Paolo; M., Paleari; Celadon, Nicolo'; Sanginario, Alessandro; Bonanno, Alberto; Crepaldi, Marco; Ariano, Paolo; Demarchi, Danilo
Design Challenges of an UWB System for Breast Cancer Detection
2013 Guo, Xiaolu; Casu, MARIO ROBERTO; Colonna, Francesco; Crepaldi, Marco; Demarchi, Danilo; Graziano, Mariagrazia; Zamboni, Maurizio
EXG: a simultaneous EMG and EEG recording to study movements from the genesis into the brain to the actuation in the muscle
2013 Sapienza, Stefano; MOTTO ROS, Paolo; Crepaldi, Marco; Bonanno, Alberto; Marco, Paleari; Demarchi, Danilo; Ariano, Paolo; Sanginario, Alessandro
A Quasi-Digital Radio System for Muscle Force Transmission Based on Event-Driven IR-UWB
2012 Crepaldi, Marco; M., Paleari; Bonanno, Alberto; Sanginario, Alessandro; Ariano, Paolo; D. H., Tran; Demarchi, Danilo
An Hardware-In-the-Design Methodology for Wireless Sensor Networks based on Event-Driven Impulse Radio Ultra-Wide Band
2012 Bonanno, Alberto; Sanginario, Alessandro; Crepaldi, Marco; Demarchi, Danilo
A Low-Complexity Short-Distance IR-UWB Transceiver for Real-Time Asynchronous Ranging
2011 Crepaldi, Marco; Demarchi, Danilo; Civera, Pierluigi
Design Concepts of a Read-Out Chip Array for On-Die Nanostructured Smart Materials Electrical Characterization
2011 Crepaldi, Marco; I., Aulika; Cauda, VALENTINA ALICE; Civera, Pierluigi; Demarchi, Danilo
The Micro4Nano Read-Out Chip array for nanostructured materials sensing and inspection
2011 Crepaldi, Marco; I., Aulika; Cauda, VALENTINA ALICE; Civera, Pierluigi; Demarchi, Danilo
A Flexible UWB Transmitter for Breast Cancer Detection Imaging Systems
2010 Cutrupi, M; Crepaldi, Marco; Casu, MARIO ROBERTO; Graziano, Mariagrazia
Nanoscale Smart Materials fabrication and integration in novel MEMS structures
2010 Aulika, I.; Cerrato, Marco; Crepaldi, Marco; Dapra', Davide; Demarchi, Danilo; Dimonte, Alice; Pizzi, M.; Civera, Pierluigi
2010 Casu, MARIO ROBERTO; Crepaldi, Marco; Cutrupi, M.; Graziano, Mariagrazia; Zamboni, Maurizio
A 1-bit Synchronization Algorithm for a Reduced Complexity Energy Detection UWB Receiver
2007 Crepaldi, Marco; Casu, MARIO ROBERTO; Graziano, Mariagrazia; Zamboni, Maurizio
A CMOS 2-PPM demodulator architecture for I-R Energy Detection receivers
2007 Crepaldi, Marco; Casu, MARIO ROBERTO; Graziano, Mariagrazia
A Low-power CMOS 2-PPM Demodulator for Energy Detection IR-UWB Receivers
2007 Crepaldi, Marco; Casu, MARIO ROBERTO; Graziano, Mariagrazia; Zamboni, Maurizio
An effective AMS Top-Down Methodology Applied to the Design of a Mixed-Signal UWB System-on-Chip
2007 Crepaldi, Marco; Casu, MARIO ROBERTO; Graziano, Mariagrazia; Zamboni, Maurizio
Citazione | Data di pubblicazione | Autori | File |
A flexible resistive Read-Out Circuit suitable to multi-purpose ZnO nanostructured transducers for robotic applications / Damilano, Alessia; Crepaldi, Marco; Hayat, Hafiz Muhammad Afzal; Demarchi, Danilo. - 2015-:(2015), pp. 491-495. (Intervento presentato al convegno 38th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, ISSE 2015 tenutosi a hun nel 2015) [10.1109/ISSE.2015.7248047]. | 1-gen-2015 | DAMILANO, ALESSIACREPALDI, MARCODEMARCHI, DANILO + | 07248047.pdf |
A 130 nm event-driven voltage and temperature insensitive capacitive ROC / Damilano, Alessia; Crepaldi, Marco; MOTTO ROS, Paolo; Demarchi, Danilo. - (2014), pp. 663-666. (Intervento presentato al convegno 17th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2014 tenutosi a ita nel 2014) [10.1109/DSD.2014.68]. | 1-gen-2014 | DAMILANO, ALESSIACREPALDI, MARCOMOTTO ROS, PAOLODEMARCHI, DANILO | - |
A Non-coherent IR-UWB Receiver for High Sensitivity Short Distance Estimation / Crepaldi, Marco; MOTTO ROS, Paolo; Bonanno, Alberto; Morello, Marco; Demarchi, Danilo. - (2014), pp. 1905-1908. (Intervento presentato al convegno International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2014) tenutosi a Melbourne, Australia nel 1-5 June 2014) [10.1109/ISCAS.2014.6865532]. | 1-gen-2014 | CREPALDI, MARCOMOTTO ROS, PAOLOBONANNO, ALBERTOMORELLO, MARCODEMARCHI, DANILO | - |
A 130nm PMOS drain-degenerated ratioless level-shifter for near-threshold designs / Crepaldi, Marco; MOTTO ROS, Paolo; Graziano, Mariagrazia; Demarchi, Danilo. - (2013), pp. 1-7. (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE 18th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA), 2013 tenutosi a Cagliari nel 2013) [10.1109/ETFA.2013.6648045]. | 1-gen-2013 | CREPALDI, MARCOMOTTO ROS, PAOLOGRAZIANO, MARIAGRAZIADEMARCHI, DANILO | - |
A Low-Power Read-Out Circuit and Low-Cost Assembly of Nanosensors onto a 0.13 μm CMOS Micro-for-Nano Chip / Bonanno, Alberto; Cauda, Valentina Alice; Crepaldi, Marco; MOTTO ROS, Paolo; Morello, Marco; Demarchi, Danilo; Civera, Pierluigi. - ELETTRONICO. - (2013). (Intervento presentato al convegno IWASI 2013 tenutosi a Bari, Italy nel June 2013) [10.1109/IWASI.2013.6576056]. | 1-gen-2013 | BONANNO, ALBERTOCAUDA, Valentina AliceCREPALDI, MARCOMOTTO ROS, PAOLOMORELLO, MARCODEMARCHI, DANILOCIVERA, PIERLUIGI | - |
A Wireless Address-Event Representation System for ATC-Based Multi-Channel Force Wireless Transmission / MOTTO ROS, Paolo; M., Paleari; Celadon, Nicolo'; Sanginario, Alessandro; Bonanno, Alberto; Crepaldi, Marco; Ariano, Paolo; Demarchi, Danilo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2013). (Intervento presentato al convegno IWASI 2013 tenutosi a Bari, Italy nel June 2013) [10.1109/IWASI.2013.6576061]. | 1-gen-2013 | MOTTO ROS, PAOLOCELADON, NICOLO'SANGINARIO, ALESSANDROBONANNO, ALBERTOCREPALDI, MARCOARIANO, PAOLODEMARCHI, DANILO + | - |
Design Challenges of an UWB System for Breast Cancer Detection / Guo, Xiaolu; Casu, MARIO ROBERTO; Colonna, Francesco; Crepaldi, Marco; Demarchi, Danilo; Graziano, Mariagrazia; Zamboni, Maurizio. - (2013), pp. 311-314. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2013 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA) tenutosi a Torino nel 9-13 September, 2013) [10.1109/ICEAA.2013.6632242]. | 1-gen-2013 | GUO, XIAOLUCASU, MARIO ROBERTOCOLONNA, FRANCESCOCREPALDI, MARCODEMARCHI, DANILOGRAZIANO, MARIAGRAZIAZAMBONI, Maurizio | - |
EXG: a simultaneous EMG and EEG recording to study movements from the genesis into the brain to the actuation in the muscle / Sapienza, Stefano; MOTTO ROS, Paolo; Crepaldi, Marco; Bonanno, Alberto; Marco, Paleari; Demarchi, Danilo; Ariano, Paolo; Sanginario, Alessandro. - STAMPA. - (2013), pp. 86-86. (Intervento presentato al convegno 1st European PhD Conference: From Medicine to Bionics tenutosi a Budapest, Hungary nel June 2013). | 1-gen-2013 | SAPIENZA, STEFANOMOTTO ROS, PAOLOCREPALDI, MARCOBONANNO, ALBERTODEMARCHI, DANILOARIANO, PAOLOSANGINARIO, ALESSANDRO + | - |
A Quasi-Digital Radio System for Muscle Force Transmission Based on Event-Driven IR-UWB / Crepaldi, Marco; M., Paleari; Bonanno, Alberto; Sanginario, Alessandro; Ariano, Paolo; D. H., Tran; Demarchi, Danilo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2012). (Intervento presentato al convegno BioCAS 2012 tenutosi a Hsinchu (Taiwan) nel 28-30 November 2012) [10.1109/BioCAS.2012.6418406]. | 1-gen-2012 | CREPALDI, MARCOBONANNO, ALBERTOSANGINARIO, ALESSANDROARIANO, PAOLODEMARCHI, DANILO + | - |
An Hardware-In-the-Design Methodology for Wireless Sensor Networks based on Event-Driven Impulse Radio Ultra-Wide Band / Bonanno, Alberto; Sanginario, Alessandro; Crepaldi, Marco; Demarchi, Danilo. - ELETTRONICO. - (2012), pp. 676-683. (Intervento presentato al convegno 2012 15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design tenutosi a Cesme (Turkey) nel 5-8 September 2012) [10.1109/DSD.2012.6]. | 1-gen-2012 | BONANNO, ALBERTOSANGINARIO, ALESSANDROCREPALDI, MARCODEMARCHI, DANILO | - |
A Low-Complexity Short-Distance IR-UWB Transceiver for Real-Time Asynchronous Ranging / Crepaldi, Marco; Demarchi, Danilo; Civera, Pierluigi. - ELETTRONICO. - (2011). (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE CANEUS Fly-By-Wireless Workshop tenutosi a Montreal, Canada nel June 14-17, 2011) [10.1109/FBW.2011.5965569]. | 1-gen-2011 | CREPALDI, MARCODEMARCHI, DANILOCIVERA, PIERLUIGI | - |
Design Concepts of a Read-Out Chip Array for On-Die Nanostructured Smart Materials Electrical Characterization / Crepaldi, Marco; I., Aulika; Cauda, VALENTINA ALICE; Civera, Pierluigi; Demarchi, Danilo. - STAMPA. - (2011). (Intervento presentato al convegno Piezo 2011 - Electroceramics for End-Users VI tenutosi a Sestriere, Italy nel February 28 - March 2, 2011). | 1-gen-2011 | CREPALDI, MARCOCAUDA, VALENTINA ALICECIVERA, PIERLUIGIDEMARCHI, DANILO + | - |
The Micro4Nano Read-Out Chip array for nanostructured materials sensing and inspection / Crepaldi, Marco; I., Aulika; Cauda, VALENTINA ALICE; Civera, Pierluigi; Demarchi, Danilo. - STAMPA. - (2011), pp. 57-57. (Intervento presentato al convegno COINAPO - 3rd Composites of Inorganic Nanotubes & Polymers Topical Meeting tenutosi a Sestriere, Italy nel March 2-3, 2011). | 1-gen-2011 | CREPALDI, MARCOCAUDA, VALENTINA ALICECIVERA, PIERLUIGIDEMARCHI, DANILO + | - |
A Flexible UWB Transmitter for Breast Cancer Detection Imaging Systems / Cutrupi, M; Crepaldi, Marco; Casu, MARIO ROBERTO; Graziano, Mariagrazia. - ELETTRONICO. - (2010), pp. 1076-1081. (Intervento presentato al convegno Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition - DATE 2010 tenutosi a Dresden, Germany nel 8-12 March, 2010). | 1-gen-2010 | CREPALDI, MARCOCASU, MARIO ROBERTOGRAZIANO, MARIAGRAZIA + | - |
Nanoscale Smart Materials fabrication and integration in novel MEMS structures / Aulika, I.; Cerrato, Marco; Crepaldi, Marco; Dapra', Davide; Demarchi, Danilo; Dimonte, Alice; Pizzi, M.; Civera, Pierluigi. - (2010), pp. 143-143. (Intervento presentato al convegno CIMTEC 2010 tenutosi a Montecatini Terme (ITA) nel June 6-11, 2010). | 1-gen-2010 | CERRATO, MARCOCREPALDI, MARCODAPRA', DAVIDEDEMARCHI, DANILODIMONTE, ALICECIVERA, PIERLUIGI + | - |
ULTRA WIDE BAND TRANSMITTER FOR BREAST CANCER DETECTION / Casu, MARIO ROBERTO; Crepaldi, Marco; Cutrupi, M.; Graziano, Mariagrazia; Zamboni, Maurizio. - STAMPA. - (2010), pp. 453-454. (Intervento presentato al convegno Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2010 tenutosi a Torino (IT) nel 8-10 Luglio). | 1-gen-2010 | CASU, MARIO ROBERTOCREPALDI, MARCOGRAZIANO, MARIAGRAZIAZAMBONI, Maurizio + | Contributo-congresso-Bio2010-final.pdf |
A 1-bit Synchronization Algorithm for a Reduced Complexity Energy Detection UWB Receiver / Crepaldi, Marco; Casu, MARIO ROBERTO; Graziano, Mariagrazia; Zamboni, Maurizio. - STAMPA. - (2007), pp. 703-708. (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, 2007. ICUWB 2007 tenutosi a Singapore nel 24-26 Sept. 2007) [10.1109/ICUWB.2007.4381036]. | 1-gen-2007 | CREPALDI, MARCOCASU, MARIO ROBERTOGRAZIANO, MARIAGRAZIAZAMBONI, Maurizio | icuwb07_2.pdf |
A CMOS 2-PPM demodulator architecture for I-R Energy Detection receivers / Crepaldi, Marco; Casu, MARIO ROBERTO; Graziano, Mariagrazia. - (2007). (Intervento presentato al convegno European Ultra Wide Band Radio Technology Workshop tenutosi a Grenoble (France) nel 10-11 May 2007). | 1-gen-2007 | CREPALDI, MARCOCASU, MARIO ROBERTOGRAZIANO, MARIAGRAZIA | - |
A Low-power CMOS 2-PPM Demodulator for Energy Detection IR-UWB Receivers / Crepaldi, Marco; Casu, MARIO ROBERTO; Graziano, Mariagrazia; Zamboni, Maurizio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2007), pp. 461-466. (Intervento presentato al convegno IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, 2007. ICUWB 2007 tenutosi a Singapore nel 24-26 Sept. 2007) [10.1109/ICUWB.2007.4380989]. | 1-gen-2007 | CREPALDI, MARCOCASU, MARIO ROBERTOGRAZIANO, MARIAGRAZIAZAMBONI, Maurizio | icuwb07.pdf |
An effective AMS Top-Down Methodology Applied to the Design of a Mixed-Signal UWB System-on-Chip / Crepaldi, Marco; Casu, MARIO ROBERTO; Graziano, Mariagrazia; Zamboni, Maurizio. - ELETTRONICO. - (2007), pp. 1424-1429. (Intervento presentato al convegno Design, Automation and Test, Europe tenutosi a Nice, France nel 16-20 April 2007) [10.1109/DATE.2007.364498]. | 1-gen-2007 | CREPALDI, MARCOCASU, MARIO ROBERTOGRAZIANO, MARIAGRAZIAZAMBONI, Maurizio | date07.pdf |