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Experimental investigation under laser-driven shocks of the dynamic behavior of materials for beam-intercepting devices in particle accelerators / Baudin, Lucie; Accettura, Carlotta; Morena, Alberto; Wegert, Leonard; Martynenko, Artem S.; Neumayeur, Paul; Tomut, Marilena; Bertarelli, Alessandro; Carra, Federico; Peroni, Lorenzo; Scapin, Martina; C, Christian Brabetz. - ELETTRONICO. - 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Structures and Materials ICILSM 2022:(2022), pp. 48-49. (Intervento presentato al convegno ICILSM 2022 tenutosi a Throndheim nel 13-17 June 2022). 1-gen-2022 Alberto MorenaFederico CarraLorenzo PeroniMartina Scapin + ICILSM 2022 Proceedings 17.pdf
Assessment of thermal loads in the CERN SPS crab cavities cryomodule1 / Carra, Federico; Apeland, J.; Calaga, R.; Capatina, O.; Capelli, T.; Verd㺠andrã©s, S.; Zanoni, C.. - In: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES. - ISSN 1742-6588. - 874:1(2017), p. 012005. [10.1088/1742-6596/874/1/012005] 1-gen-2017 CARRA, FEDERICO + -
Design and Prototyping of New CERN Collimators in the Framework of the LHC Injector Upgrade (LIU) Project and the High-Luminosity (HL-LHC) Project / Nuiry, Francois-Xavier; Aberle, Oliver; Bergeret, Maxime; Bertarelli, Alessandro; Biancacci, Nicolo; Bruce, Roderik; Calviani, Marco; Carra, Federico; Dallocchio, Alessandro; Gentini, Luca; Gilardoni, Simone; Illan Fiastre, Ricardo; Lamas Garcia, Inigo; Masi, Alessandro; Perillo-Marcone, Antonio; Pianese, Stefano; Redaelli, Stefano; Rigutto, Emilien; Salvant, Benoit. - (2017). (Intervento presentato al convegno IPAC 2017). 1-gen-2017 Carra, Federico + -
Energy Deposition in the Betatron Collimation Insertion of the 100 TeV Future Circular Collider / Besana, ; Maria Ilaria And Bahamonde, Castro; Cristina And, Bertarelli; Alessandro And, Bruce; Carra, Federico; Federico And, Cerutti; Francesco And, Ferrari; Alfredo And, Fiascaris; Maria And, Lechner; Anton And, Mereghetti; Alessio And, Redaelli; Stefano And, Skordis; Eleftherios And, Vlachoudis; Vasilis,. - (2017). (Intervento presentato al convegno IPAC 2017). 1-gen-2017 CARRA, FEDERICO + -
Progress with Long-Range Beam-Beam Compensation Studies for High Luminosity LHC / Rossi, ; Adriana And, Aberle; Oliver And, Albertone; Joel And, Barnyakov; Alexey And, Bertarelli; Alessandro And, Boccard; Carra, Federico; Federico And, Cattenoz; Gregory And, Delaup; Yorick And, Fartoukh; Stephane And, Fitterer; Miriam And, Gobbi; Giorgia And, Lendaro; Jerome And, Levichev; Alexey And, Nikiforov; Danila And, Papaphilippou; Yannis And, Patapenka; Andrei And, Perini; Diego And, Redaelli; Stefano And, Schmickler; Hermann And, Stancari; Giulio And, Valishev; Alexander And, Zanoni; Carlo,. - (2017). (Intervento presentato al convegno IPAC 2017). 1-gen-2017 CARRA, FEDERICO + -
The "multimat" experiment at CERN HiRadMat facility: Advanced testing of novel materials and instrumentation for HL-LHC collimators / Carra, Federico; Bertarelli, A.; Berthomã©, E.; Fichera, Claudio; Furness, T.; Guinchard, M.; Mettler, L. K.; Portelli, M.; Redaelli, S.; Sacristan De Frutos, O.. - In: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES. - ISSN 1742-6588. - 874:1(2017), p. 012001. [10.1088/1742-6596/874/1/012001] 1-gen-2017 CARRA, FEDERICOFICHERA, CLAUDIO + -
The crab cavities cryomodule for SPS test / Zanoni, C.; Amorim Carvalho, A.; Artoos, K.; Atieh, S.; Brodzinski, K.; Calaga, R.; Capatina, O.; Capelli, T.; Carra, Federico; Dassa, L.; Dijoud, T.; Eiler, K.; Favre, G.; Freijedo Menendez, P.; Garlaschã, M.; Giordanino, L.; Jones, T.; Langeslag, S. A. E.; Leuxe, R.; Mainaud durand, H.; Minginette, P.; Narduzzi, M.; Rude, V.; Sosin, M.; Swieszek, J. S.; Templeton, N.. - In: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES. - ISSN 1742-6588. - 874:1(2017), p. 012092. [10.1088/1742-6596/874/1/012092] 1-gen-2017 CARRA, FEDERICO + -
Thermo-Physical and Mechanical Characterisation of Novel Materials under Development for HL-LHC Beam Intercepting Devices / Sacristan De Frutos, Oscar; Bertarelli, Alessandro; Bianchi, Laura; Carra, Federico; Guardia, Jorge; Guinchard, Michael; Redaelli, Stefano. - (2017). (Intervento presentato al convegno IPAC 2017). 1-gen-2017 Carra, Federico + -
Thermomechanical Response of Advanced Materials under Quasi Instantaneous Heating / Carra, Federico. - (2017). 1-gen-2017 CARRA, FEDERICO -
Beam Induced RF Heating in LHC in 2015 / Salvant, ; Benoit And, Aberle; Oliver And, Albert; Markus And Alemany, Fernandez; Reyes And, Arduini; Gianluigi And, Baechler; Joachim And, Barnes; Michael And, Baudrenghien; Philippe And, Berrig; Olav And, Biancacci; Nicolo And, Bozzo; Marco And, Bregliozzi; Giuseppe And, Campelo; Carra, Federico; Federico And, Caspers; Fritz And, Chiggiato; Paolo And, Danisi; Alessandro And, Day; Hugo And, Deile; Mario And, Druzhkin; Dmitry And Esteban, M�ller; Juan And, Jakobsen; Sune And, Kuczerowski; Joseph And, Lechner; Anton And, Losito; Roberto And, Masi; Alessandro And, Minafra; Nicola And, M�tral; Elias And, Nosych; Andriy And Perillo, Marcone; Antonio And, Perini; Diego And, Redaelli; Stefano And, Roncarolo; Federico And, Rumolo; Giovanni And, Shaposhnikova; Elena And, Uythoven; Jan And, Vollinger; Christine And, V�limaa; Alpo And, Wang; Na And, Wendt; Manfred And, Wenninger; Jorg And, Zannini; Carlo,. - (2016). (Intervento presentato al convegno IPAC 2016). 1-gen-2016 CARRA, FEDERICO + -
Investigation and Mechanical Modelling of Pure Molybdenum at High Strain-Rate and Temperature / Scapin, Martina; Peroni, Lorenzo; Carra, Federico. - In: JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC BEHAVIOR OF MATERIALS. - ISSN 2199-7446. - 2:4(2016), pp. 460-475. [10.1007/s40870-016-0081-3] 1-gen-2016 SCAPIN, MARTINAPERONI, LORENZOCARRA, FEDERICO preeprint.pdfInvestigation and Mechanical Modelling of Pure Molybdenum at High Strain-Rate and Temperature.pdf
Radiation-Induced Effects on LHC Collimator Materials under Extreme Beam Conditions / Quaranta, ; And Bunk, E. And Bertarelli A.; Carra, Federico; And Guardia Valenzuela, F.; And Hermes, J.; And Hubert, P. D.; And Nocera, C.; And Porth, P.; And Redaelli, C.; And Rossi, S.; And Simos, A.; And Tomut, N.; M.,. - (2016). (Intervento presentato al convegno IPAC 2016). 1-gen-2016 CARRA, FEDERICO + -
Towards Optimum Material Choices for HL-LHC Collimator Upgrade / Quaranta, ; And Bertarelli, E.; And Biancacci, A.; And Bruce, N.; Carra, Federico; And M�tral, F.; And Redaelli, E.; And Rossi, S.; And Salvant, A.; B.,. - (2016). (Intervento presentato al convegno IPAC 2016). 1-gen-2016 CARRA, FEDERICO + -
Crab cavity and cryomodule development for HL-LHC / Carra, Federico; Federico And Amorim, Carvalho; Alexandre And, Artoos; Kurt And, Atieh; Said And Aviles, Santillana; Ignacio And, Belomestnykh; Sergey And, Boucherie; Antoine And, Brachet; Jean pierre And, Brodzinski; Krzysztof And, Burt; Graeme And, Calaga; Rama And, Capatina; Ofelia And, Capelli; Teddy And, Dassa; Luca And De, Silva; Subashini And, Delayen; Jean And, Dijoud; Thibault And Mainaud, Durand; Helene And, Favre; Gilles And, Ferreira; Leonel And Freijedo, Menendez; Paula And, Garlasch�; Marco And, Guinchard; Michael And, Jones; Thomas And, Kuder; Norbert And, Langeslag; Stefanie And, Leuxe; Raphael And, Li; Zenghai And, Macpherson; Alick And, Marinov; Kiril And, Minginette; Pierre And, Montesinos; Eric And, Motschmann; Fritz And, Nicol; Thomas And, Olave; Rocio And, Parente; Claudia And, Park; Hyekyoung And, Pattalwar; Shrikant And Prever, Loiri; Laurent And, Pugnat; Dominique And, Ratti; Alessandro And, Rigutto; Emilien And, Rude; Vivien And, Sosin; Mateusz And, Templeton; Niklas And, Vandoni; Giovanna And Verd�, andr�s; Silvia And, Villiger; Gilles And, Wu; Qiong And, Xiao; Binping And, Zanoni; Carlo,. - (2015). (Intervento presentato al convegno SRF 2015). 1-gen-2015 CARRA, FEDERICO + -
Design and Prototyping of HL-LHC Double Quarter Wave Crab Cavities for SPS Test / Verdu, Andres; And Skaritka, S.; And Wu, J.; And Xiao, Q.; And Belomestnykh, B. P.; And Ben zv, S.; And Alberty, I.; And Artoos, L.; Kurt And, Calaga; Rama And, Capatina; Ofelia And, Capelli; Carra, Federico; Federico And, Leuxe; Raphael And, Kuder; Norbert And, Zanoni; Carlo And, Li; And Ratti, Z.; A.,. - (2015). (Intervento presentato al convegno SRF 2015). 1-gen-2015 CARRA, FEDERICO + -
Design of a compact superconducting crab-cavity for LHC using Nb-on-Cu-coating technique / Grudiev, ; Alexej And, Atieh; Said And, Calaga; Rama And, Calatroni; Sergio And, Capatina; Carra, Federico; Federico And, Favre; Gilles And, Ferreira; Leonel And, Poncet; Jean francois And, Richard; Thibaut And, Sublet; Alban And, Zanoni; Carlo,. - (2015). (Intervento presentato al convegno SRF 2015). 1-gen-2015 CARRA, FEDERICO + -
Design of Dressed Crab Cavities for the HL-LHC Upgrade / Zanoni, ; Carlo And, Artoos; Kurt And, Atieh; Said And Aviles, Santillana; Ignacio And, Belomestnykh; Sergey And Ben, Zvi; Ilan And, Brachet; Jean pierre And, Burt; Graeme And, Calaga; Rama And, Capatina; Ofelia And, Capelli; Carra, Federico; Federico And, Dassa; Luca And De, Silva; Subashini And, Delayen; Jean And, Favre; Gilles And Freijedo, Menendez; Paula And, Garlasch�; Marco And, Guinchard; Michael And, Jones; Thomas And, Kuder; Norbert And, Langeslag; Stefanie And, Leuxe; Raphael And, Li; Zenghai And, Marinov; Kiril And, May; Andrew And, Nicol; Thomas And, Olave; Rocio And, Park; Hyekyoung And, Pattalwar; Shrikant And Prever, Loiri; Laurent And, Ratti; Alessandro And, Templeton; Niklas And, Vandoni; Giovanna And Verd�, andr�s; Silvia And, Wu; Qiong And, Xiao; Binping,. - (2015). (Intervento presentato al convegno SRF 2015). 1-gen-2015 CARRA, FEDERICO + -
Design of the thermal and magnetic shielding for the LHC High Luminosity Crab-Cavity upgrade / Templeton, ; Niklas And, Artoos; Kurt And, Burt; Graeme And, Calaga; Rama And, Capatina; Ofelia And, Capelli; Carra, Federico; Federico And, Jones; Thomas And, Leuxe; Raphael And, Marinov; Kiril And, May; Andrew And, Nolan; And Pattalwar, E.; Shrikant And, Ratti; Alessandro And, Zanoni; Carlo,. - (2015). (Intervento presentato al convegno SRF 2015). 1-gen-2015 CARRA, FEDERICO + -
Development of SRF cavity tuners for CERN / Artoos, ; Kurt And, Burt; Graeme And, Calaga; Rama And, Capatina; Ofelia And, Capelli; Carra, Federico; Federico And, Dassa; Luca And, Delayen; Jean And, Jones; Thomas And, Kuder; Norbert And, Leuxe; Raphael And, Minginette; Pierre And, Park; Hyekyoung And, Templeton; Niklas And Venturini, Delsolaro; Walter And Verd�, andr�s; Silvia And, Villiger; Gilles And, Xiao; Binping And, Zanoni; Carlo And, Zhang; Pei,. - (2015). (Intervento presentato al convegno SRF 2015). 1-gen-2015 CARRA, FEDERICO + -
Experimental investigation of the behaviour of tungsten and molybdenum alloys at high strain-rate and temperature / Scapin, Martina; Fichera, Claudio; Carra, Federico; Peroni, Lorenzo. - ELETTRONICO. - 94:(2015). (Intervento presentato al convegno 11th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials Under Dynamic Loading, DYMAT 2015 tenutosi a Lugano (Svizzera) nel 7-11 Settembre 2015) [10.1051/epjconf/20159401021]. 1-gen-2015 SCAPIN, MARTINAFICHERA, CLAUDIOCARRA, FEDERICOPERONI, LORENZO Scapin2015_DYMAT_Experimental investigation of the behaviour of tungsten and molybdenum.pdf