Nanotribological Perspectives
In corso di stampa M., D'Acunto; Ciardelli, Gianluca; A., Rechichi; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; P., Giusti
Biomaterials of natural origin in regenerative medicine
2013 Nandagiri, VIJAY KUMAR; Chiono, Valeria; Gentile, Piergiorgio; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Ciardelli, Gianluca
A Survey of Microchannel Geometries for Mixing of Species in Biomicrofluidics
2012 Pennella, Francesco; Mastrangelo, Francesco; Gallo, Diego; Massai, DIANA NADA CATERINA; Deriu, MARCO AGOSTINO; FALVO D'URSO LABATE, GIUSEPPE VITTORIO UGO; Bignardi, Cristina; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Morbiducci, Umberto
In Silico Bioreactors for the Computer-Aided Design of Tissue Engineering Applications
2010 Consolo, F.; Gaetano, Laura; DI BENEDETTO, Giacomo; Hunt, ; Morbiducci, Umberto; Montevecchi, Franco Maria
Multilevel experimental and modelling techniques for bioartificial scaffolds and matrices
2010 Consolo, Filippo; Mastrangelo, Francesco; Ciardelli, Gianluca; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Morbiducci, Umberto; M., Sassi; Bignardi, Cristina
In silico multiscale study of the hemodynamics in a human carotid bifurcation model
2009 Gallo, Diego; Massai, DIANA NADA CATERINA; Consolo, Filippo; Ponzini, R; Antiga, L; Redaelli, ALBERTO CESARE LUIGI; Satriano, A; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Morbiducci, Umberto
Influence of blood rheology on bulk flow in carotid bifurcation. A numerical study.
2009 Massai, DIANA NADA CATERINA; Gallo, Diego; Ponzini, R; Antiga, L; Redaelli, ALBERTO CESARE LUIGI; Satriano, A; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Morbiducci, Umberto
Nanotribological Perspectives In Tissue Engineering
2007 Dacunto, M; Ciardelli, Gianluca; Rechichi, Alfonsina; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Giusti, P.
Characterization of mechanical properties of ECM in nanostructures of tendons and ligaments
2005 Vesentini, S; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Redaelli, A.
Progettazione biomeccanica dei tessuti
2002 Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Mantero, S.; Vesentini, S.
Molecular model of albumin-pyrolitic carbon interaction
2000 Mantero, S.; Piuri, D.; Boschetti, F.; Ganazzoli, F.; Montevecchi, Franco Maria
The actin-myosin function: from architecture to mechanical function
2000 Redaelli, A.; Soncini, M.; Montevecchi, Franco Maria
Citazione | Data di pubblicazione | Autori | File |
Nanotribological Perspectives / M., D'Acunto; Ciardelli, Gianluca; A., Rechichi; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; P., Giusti - In: In Tissue Engineering Friction and Wear at Atomic Scale / SPRINGER. - [s.l] : Springer Edition, In corso di stampa. | In corso di stampa | CIARDELLI, GIANLUCAMONTEVECCHI, Franco Maria + | - |
Biomaterials of natural origin in regenerative medicine / Nandagiri, VIJAY KUMAR; Chiono, Valeria; Gentile, Piergiorgio; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Ciardelli, Gianluca - In: Polymeric Biomaterials Structure and Function / S. Dumitriu, V. Popa Editors. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, 2013. - ISBN 9781420094701. - pp. 271-308 [10.1201/b13757-1] | 1-gen-2013 | NANDAGIRI, VIJAY KUMARCHIONO, VALERIAGENTILE, PIERGIORGIOMONTEVECCHI, Franco MariaCIARDELLI, GIANLUCA | - |
A Survey of Microchannel Geometries for Mixing of Species in Biomicrofluidics / Pennella, Francesco; Mastrangelo, Francesco; Gallo, Diego; Massai, DIANA NADA CATERINA; Deriu, MARCO AGOSTINO; FALVO D'URSO LABATE, GIUSEPPE VITTORIO UGO; Bignardi, Cristina; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Morbiducci, Umberto - In: Single and Two-Phase Flows on Chemical and Biomedical Engineering / Dias R., Lima R., Martins A. A., Mata T. M.. - [s.l] : Bentham Science Publishers, 2012. - ISBN 9781608055043. - pp. 548-578 [10.2174/978160805295011201010548] | 1-gen-2012 | PENNELLA, FRANCESCOMASTRANGELO, FRANCESCOGALLO, DIEGOMASSAI, DIANA NADA CATERINADERIU, MARCO AGOSTINOFALVO D'URSO LABATE, GIUSEPPE VITTORIO UGOBIGNARDI, CRISTINAMONTEVECCHI, Franco MariaMORBIDUCCI, UMBERTO | - |
In Silico Bioreactors for the Computer-Aided Design of Tissue Engineering Applications / Consolo, F.; Gaetano, Laura; DI BENEDETTO, Giacomo; Hunt, ; Morbiducci, Umberto; Montevecchi, Franco Maria - In: Computational Engineering: Design, Development and Applications / Jaclyn E. Browning and Alexander K. McMann. - [s.l] : Nova Publishers, 2010. - ISBN 9781611228069. | 1-gen-2010 | GAETANO, LAURADI BENEDETTO, GIACOMOMORBIDUCCI, UMBERTOMONTEVECCHI, Franco Maria + | - |
Multilevel experimental and modelling techniques for bioartificial scaffolds and matrices / Consolo, Filippo; Mastrangelo, Francesco; Ciardelli, Gianluca; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Morbiducci, Umberto; M., Sassi; Bignardi, Cristina - In: Scanning probe microscopy in nanoscience and nanotechnology[s.l] : Springer, 2010. - ISBN 9783642035340. - pp. 425-486 | 1-gen-2010 | CONSOLO, FILIPPOMASTRANGELO, FRANCESCOCIARDELLI, GIANLUCAMONTEVECCHI, Franco MariaMORBIDUCCI, UMBERTOBIGNARDI, CRISTINA + | - |
In silico multiscale study of the hemodynamics in a human carotid bifurcation model / Gallo, Diego; Massai, DIANA NADA CATERINA; Consolo, Filippo; Ponzini, R; Antiga, L; Redaelli, ALBERTO CESARE LUIGI; Satriano, A; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Morbiducci, Umberto - In: Computational vision and medical image processing / JOAO TAVARES; NATAL JORGE. - LONDON : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2009. - ISBN 9780415570411. | 1-gen-2009 | GALLO, DIEGOMASSAI, DIANA NADA CATERINACONSOLO, FILIPPOREDAELLI, ALBERTO CESARE LUIGIMONTEVECCHI, Franco MariaMORBIDUCCI, UMBERTO + | - |
Influence of blood rheology on bulk flow in carotid bifurcation. A numerical study / Massai, DIANA NADA CATERINA; Gallo, Diego; Ponzini, R; Antiga, L; Redaelli, ALBERTO CESARE LUIGI; Satriano, A; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Morbiducci, Umberto - In: Computational vision and medical image processing / JOAO TAVARES; NATAL JORGE. - LONDON : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2009. - ISBN 9780415570411. | 1-gen-2009 | MASSAI, DIANA NADA CATERINAGALLO, DIEGOREDAELLI, ALBERTO CESARE LUIGIMONTEVECCHI, Franco MariaMORBIDUCCI, UMBERTO + | - |
Nanotribological Perspectives In Tissue Engineering / Dacunto, M; Ciardelli, Gianluca; Rechichi, Alfonsina; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Giusti, P. - In: Fundamentals of Friction and Wear on the Nanoscale / GNECCO; E.; MEYER; E.. - BERLIN-HEIDELBERG : Springer-Verlag, 2007. - ISBN 9783540368069. - pp. 677-708 | 1-gen-2007 | CIARDELLI, GIANLUCARECHICHI, ALFONSINAMONTEVECCHI, Franco Maria + | - |
Characterization of mechanical properties of ECM in nanostructures of tendons and ligaments / Vesentini, S; Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Redaelli, A. - In: Recent Research Developments in Biomechanics / S.G. PANDALAI. - KERALA : Transworld Research Network, 2005. - ISBN 9788178951775. - pp. 55-77 | 1-gen-2005 | MONTEVECCHI, Franco Maria + | - |
Progettazione biomeccanica dei tessuti / Montevecchi, Franco Maria; Mantero, S.; Vesentini, S. - In: Ingegneria dei tessuti biologici / CANCEDDA R.; PIETRABISSA R.. - BOLOGNA : Patron, 2002. - pp. 131-155 | 1-gen-2002 | MONTEVECCHI, Franco Maria + | - |
Molecular model of albumin-pyrolitic carbon interaction / Mantero, S.; Piuri, D.; Boschetti, F.; Ganazzoli, F.; Montevecchi, Franco Maria - In: Engineering and Biological Materials and Structure / RIBREAU C.; BERTHAUD Y.; MOREAU M.R.; RATIER L.; RENAUDEAUX J.P.; THIRIET M.; WENDLING S.. - PARIS : GAMAC, 2000. - pp. 155-162 | 1-gen-2000 | MONTEVECCHI, Franco Maria + | - |
The actin-myosin function: from architecture to mechanical function / Redaelli, A.; Soncini, M.; Montevecchi, Franco Maria - In: In Mechano Transduction 2000 -. Engineering and Biological Materials and Structure. / RIBREAU C.; BERTHAUD Y.; MOREAU M.R.; RATIER L.; RENAUDEAUX J.P.; THIRIET M.; WENDLING S.. - PARIS : GAMAC, 2000. - pp. 223-230 | 1-gen-2000 | MONTEVECCHI, Franco Maria + | - |