Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio
Abastante, F.
ITACA Plus: A New Methodology to Support Urban Design
2024 Abastante, Francesca; Penza, Margherita
Development of a WebGIS Open Platform to Support Community Resilience
2022 Abastante, Francesca; Fiermonte, Francesco
Innovative Practice-Oriented Approach in Teaching Urban Sustainability and Energy Transition
2022 Lami, Isabella M.; Rotondo, Federica; Abastante, Francesca; Cotella, Giancarlo
Investigating “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” in the Italian Context: A Diachronic Approach
2022 Rotondo, F.; Abastante, F.; Cotella, G.; Lami, I. M.
Investigate Walkability: An Assessment Model to Support Urban Development Processes
2021 Abastante, Francesca; La Riccia, Luigi; Gaballo, Marika
Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis to Assess Urban and Territorial Transformations: Insights from Practical Applications
2021 Lami, Isabella; Bottero, Marta; Abastante, Francesca
A stakeholders-oriented approach to analyze the case of the UNESCO’s man and biosphere reserve CollinaPo
2020 Abastante, F.; Lami, I. M.
How to revitalise a historic district: A stakeholders-oriented assessment framework of adaptive reuse
2020 Abastante, F.; Lami, I. M.; Mecca, Beatrice
The case study profiles
2020 Porta, Andrea; Abastante, Francesca
The process of sharing information in a sustainable development perspective: A web visual tool
2020 Abastante, F.; Pensa, S.; Masala, E.
How to define energy criteria in the absence of open data: a stakeholders-oriented approach based on Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA)
2019 Abastante, Francesca; Lombardi, Patrizia; TORABI MOGHADAM, Sara
An integrated assessment framework for the requalification of districts facing urban and social decline
2018 Abastante, Francesca; Lami, Isabella M.
Inclusive processes: Concepts and Instruments for sharing the spatial information
2016 Pensa, Stefano; Masala, Elena; Abastante, Francesca; Fraire, Stefano; Gagliarducci, Riccardo; Marietta, Cristina; Zyngier, Camila M.
Analisi Multicriteriale e trasformazioni urbane: recenti sperimentazioni
2015 Abastante, Francesca; Angilella, S.; Bottero, MARTA CARLA; Corrente, C.; Ferretti, Valentina; Greco, S.; Lami, ISABELLA MARIA
An Integrated Approach for Supporting the Evaluation of Transport Scenarios: The Area of Bellinzona (CH)
2014 Abastante, Francesca; Bottero, MARTA CARLA; Günther, F.; Lami, ISABELLA MARIA; Masala, Elena; Pensa, Stefano; Tosoni, I.
Analytic Network Process, Interactive Maps and Strategic Assessment: The Evaluation of Corridor24 Alternative Development Strategies.
2014 Abastante, Francesca; Lami, ISABELLA MARIA; Günther, F.; Masala, Elena; Pensa, Stefano; Tosoni, I.
Citazione | Data di pubblicazione | Autori | File |
ITACA Plus: A New Methodology to Support Urban Design / Abastante, Francesca; Penza, Margherita (LECTURE NOTES IN NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS). - In: Networks, Markets & People Communities, Institutions and Enterprises Towards Post-humanism Epistemologies and AI ChallengesELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : Springer, 2024. - pp. 17-28 | 1-gen-2024 | Abastante, FrancescaPenza, Margherita | - |
Development of a WebGIS Open Platform to Support Community Resilience / Abastante, Francesca; Fiermonte, Francesco (GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY). - In: Urban Regeneration Through Valuation Systems for Innovation / Abastante A., Bottero M., D'Alpaos C., Ingaramo L., Oppio A., Rosato P., Salvo F.. - STAMPA. - Berlin : Springer, 2022. - ISBN 978-3-031-12813-4. - pp. 257-277 [10.1007/978-3-031-12814-1_16] | 1-gen-2022 | Abastante, FrancescaFiermonte, Francesco | Development_of_WebGIS_(in_Urban_Regeneration)_Abastante_Fiermonte.pdf; AAM_S3_P2_Abastanteetal.pdf |
Innovative Practice-Oriented Approach in Teaching Urban Sustainability and Energy Transition / Lami, Isabella M.; Rotondo, Federica; Abastante, Francesca; Cotella, Giancarlo - In: The Palgrave Handbook of Zero Carbon Energy Systems and Energy Transitions / Geoffrey Wood, Vincent Onyango, Komali Yenneti, Maria Anastasia Liakopoulou. - ELETTRONICO. - Londra : Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. - ISBN 978-3-030-74380-2. - pp. 1-18 [10.1007/978-3-030-74380-2_35-1] | 1-gen-2022 | Lami, Isabella M.Rotondo, FedericaAbastante, FrancescaCotella, Giancarlo | 978-3-030-74380-2_35-1.pdf |
Investigating “Sustainable Neighbourhoods” in the Italian Context: A Diachronic Approach / Rotondo, F.; Abastante, F.; Cotella, G.; Lami, I. M. (GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY). - In: Urban Regeneration Through Valuation Systems for Innovation / Abastante F., Bottero M., D'Alpaos C., Ingaramo L., Oppio A., Rosato P., Salvo F.. - ELETTRONICO. - Heldelberg; Berlin : Springer, 2022. - ISBN 978-3-031-12813-4. - pp. 141-157 [10.1007/978-3-031-12814-1_9] | 1-gen-2022 | Rotondo F.Abastante F.Cotella G.Lami I. M. | 2022_RotondoAbastanteCotellaLami_GET2022.pdf |
Investigate Walkability: An Assessment Model to Support Urban Development Processes / Abastante, Francesca; La Riccia, Luigi; Gaballo, Marika - In: Green Energy and Technology / Adriano Bisello, Daniele Vettorato, Håvard Haarstad, Judith Borsboom-van Beurden. - ELETTRONICO. - Switzerland : Springer, Cham, 2021. - ISBN 978-3-030-57332-4. - pp. 183-197 [10.1007/978-3-030-57332-4_13] | 1-gen-2021 | Abastante, FrancescaLa Riccia, LuigiGaballo, Marika | 2021_AbastanteGaballoLaRiccia_SSPCR_GET.pdf |
Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis to Assess Urban and Territorial Transformations: Insights from Practical Applications / Lami, Isabella; Bottero, Marta; Abastante, Francesca - In: Strategic Decision Making for Sustainable Management of Industrial Networks / Lami I.M., Bottero M., Abastante F.. - ELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : Springer, 2021. - ISBN 978-3-030-55385-2. - pp. 93-117 [10.1007/978-3-030-55385-2_6] | 1-gen-2021 | Lami, IsabellaBottero, MartaAbastante, Francesca | 2021_Lamietal_LibroJafar.pdf |
A stakeholders-oriented approach to analyze the case of the UNESCO’s man and biosphere reserve CollinaPo / Abastante, F.; Lami, I. M. (GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY). - In: Green Energy and Technology / Mondini G., Stanghellini S., Oppio A., Bottero M., Abastante F.. - ELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : Springer Verlag, 2020. - ISBN 978-3-030-23784-4. - pp. 325-338 [10.1007/978-3-030-23786-8_18] | 1-gen-2020 | Abastante F.Lami I. M. | GET_AStekeholdersOriented.pdf; GET_Astakeholder_Editoriale.pdf |
How to revitalise a historic district: A stakeholders-oriented assessment framework of adaptive reuse / Abastante, F.; Lami, I. M.; Mecca, Beatrice (GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY). - In: Green Energy and Technology / Mondini G., Stanghellini S., Oppio A., Bottero M., Abastante F.. - ELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : Springer Verlag, 2020. - ISBN 978-3-030-23784-4. - pp. 3-20 [10.1007/978-3-030-23786-8_1] | 1-gen-2020 | Abastante F.Lami I. M.MECCA, BEATRICE | GET_Howtorev.pdf; GET_Hottorev_Editoriale.pdf |
The case study profiles / Porta, Andrea; Abastante, Francesca (SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES). - In: Abandoned Buildings in Contemporary Cities: Smart Conditions for Actions / Isabella M. Lami. - ELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : Springer, 2020. - ISBN 978-3-030-35550-0. - pp. 99-132 [10.1007/978-3-030-35550-0_7] | 1-gen-2020 | Andrea PortaFrancesca Abastante | ABANDONED BUILDINGS_BOOK-pagine-2-9,104-137.pdf; CapX_Abastante_Porta.pdf |
The process of sharing information in a sustainable development perspective: A web visual tool / Abastante, F.; Pensa, S.; Masala, E. (GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY). - In: Green Energy and Technology / Mondini G., Stanghellini S., Oppio A., Bottero M., Abastante F.. - [s.l] : Springer Verlag, 2020. - ISBN 978-3-030-23784-4. - pp. 339-350 [10.1007/978-3-030-23786-8_19] | 1-gen-2020 | Abastante F.Pensa S.Masala E. | GET_The process of sharing information.pdf; GET_Theprocessofsharing_Editoriale.pdf |
How to define energy criteria in the absence of open data: a stakeholders-oriented approach based on Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) / Abastante, Francesca; Lombardi, Patrizia; TORABI MOGHADAM, Sara - In: Spatial Planning in the Big Data revolution / Angioletta Voghera, Luigi Lariccia. - ELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : IGI Global, 2019. - ISBN 9781522579274. - pp. 139-160 [10.4018/978-1-5225-7927-4.ch006] | 1-gen-2019 | Francesca AbastantePatrizia LombardiSara Torabi Moghadam | Spatial-Planning-in-the-Big-Data-Revolution-pagine-1-9,174-195.pdf |
An integrated assessment framework for the requalification of districts facing urban and social decline / Abastante, Francesca; Lami, Isabella M. - In: Green Energy and Technology[s.l] : Springer Verlag, 2018. - ISBN 978-3-319-78270-6. - pp. 535-545 [10.1007/978-3-319-78271-3_42] | 1-gen-2018 | Abastante, FrancescaLami, Isabella M. | 6_GET18.pdf; AbastanteLami_Siev_DEF2.pdf |
Inclusive processes: Concepts and Instruments for sharing the spatial information / Pensa, Stefano; Masala, Elena; Abastante, Francesca; Fraire, Stefano; Gagliarducci, Riccardo; Marietta, Cristina; Zyngier, Camila M. - In: Inclusive/Exclusive cities / Marina O., Armando A.. - ELETTRONICO. - Skopje : City of Skopje, 2016. - ISBN 978-608-4809-00-5. - pp. 206-220 | 1-gen-2016 | PENSA, STEFANOMASALA, ELENAABASTANTE, FRANCESCAFRAIRE, STEFANOGAGLIARDUCCI, RICCARDOMARIETTA, CRISTINA + | SINERGI_SiTI_Paper_2015-12-21.pdf; SINERGI_BOOK_TWO_intro.pdf |
Analisi Multicriteriale e trasformazioni urbane: recenti sperimentazioni / Abastante, Francesca; Angilella, S.; Bottero, MARTA CARLA; Corrente, C.; Ferretti, Valentina; Greco, S.; Lami, ISABELLA MARIA - In: Analisi Multicriteri tra valutazione e decisione / Fattinnanzi E., Mondini G.. - STAMPA. - Roma : Dei Tipografia del Genio Civile, 2015. - ISBN 9788849644319. - pp. 315-328 | 1-gen-2015 | ABASTANTE, FRANCESCABOTTERO, MARTA CARLAFERRETTI, VALENTINALAMI, ISABELLA MARIA + | - |
An Integrated Approach for Supporting the Evaluation of Transport Scenarios: The Area of Bellinzona (CH) / Abastante, Francesca; Bottero, MARTA CARLA; Günther, F.; Lami, ISABELLA MARIA; Masala, Elena; Pensa, Stefano; Tosoni, I. - In: ANALYTICAL DECISION-MAKING METHODS FOR EVALUATING SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT IN EUROPEAN CORRIDORS / Isabella M. Lami. - STAMPA. - Berlin : Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London, 2014. - ISBN 9783319047850. - pp. 177-203 [10.1007/978-3-319-04786-7_11] | 1-gen-2014 | ABASTANTE, FRANCESCABOTTERO, MARTA CARLALAMI, ISABELLA MARIAMASALA, ELENAPENSA, STEFANO + | - |
Analytic Network Process, Interactive Maps and Strategic Assessment: The Evaluation of Corridor24 Alternative Development Strategies / Abastante, Francesca; Lami, ISABELLA MARIA; Günther, F.; Masala, Elena; Pensa, Stefano; Tosoni, I. - In: Analytical Decision Making Methods for Evaluating Sustainable Transport in European Corridors. / Lami I.M.. - STAMPA. - [s.l] : Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London, 2014. - ISBN 9783319047850. - pp. 205-232 [10.1007/978-3-319-04786-7_12,] | 1-gen-2014 | ABASTANTE, FRANCESCALAMI, ISABELLA MARIAMASALA, ELENAPENSA, STEFANO + | - |