Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 17.551
NA - Nord America 13.916
AS - Asia 3.309
SA - Sud America 210
OC - Oceania 148
AF - Africa 138
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 10
Totale 35.282
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 13.479
IT - Italia 7.229
GB - Regno Unito 2.809
DE - Germania 2.506
FR - Francia 2.259
CN - Cina 917
SG - Singapore 505
CA - Canada 400
UA - Ucraina 344
IE - Irlanda 309
TR - Turchia 308
IN - India 300
RU - Federazione Russa 287
KR - Corea 271
BE - Belgio 255
SE - Svezia 243
NL - Olanda 198
PK - Pakistan 191
BG - Bulgaria 184
CH - Svizzera 170
JP - Giappone 153
ID - Indonesia 134
VN - Vietnam 127
FI - Finlandia 126
HK - Hong Kong 118
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 99
RO - Romania 94
ES - Italia 93
BR - Brasile 90
AT - Austria 74
PH - Filippine 74
CO - Colombia 57
PL - Polonia 53
AU - Australia 49
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 47
PT - Portogallo 45
ZA - Sudafrica 44
EU - Europa 42
GR - Grecia 39
MX - Messico 32
DK - Danimarca 28
TW - Taiwan 28
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 27
MY - Malesia 27
JO - Giordania 26
PE - Perù 26
HR - Croazia 24
CL - Cile 22
IR - Iran 20
IL - Israele 19
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 14
MU - Mauritius 14
PS - Palestinian Territory 14
EG - Egitto 13
ET - Etiopia 13
NO - Norvegia 12
SI - Slovenia 12
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 12
LT - Lituania 11
TH - Thailandia 11
AL - Albania 8
LY - Libia 8
SA - Arabia Saudita 8
EC - Ecuador 7
TN - Tunisia 7
AZ - Azerbaigian 6
CI - Costa d'Avorio 6
EE - Estonia 6
MA - Marocco 6
DZ - Algeria 5
UZ - Uzbekistan 5
BH - Bahrain 4
GH - Ghana 4
HU - Ungheria 4
IQ - Iraq 4
KE - Kenya 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
SD - Sudan 4
AR - Argentina 3
BD - Bangladesh 3
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
LV - Lettonia 3
ME - Montenegro 3
NG - Nigeria 3
UY - Uruguay 3
BN - Brunei Darussalam 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
NP - Nepal 2
SN - Senegal 2
SO - Somalia 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
VE - Venezuela 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
CM - Camerun 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CV - Capo Verde 1
CY - Cipro 1
GE - Georgia 1
Totale 35.272
Città #
Ashburn 2.600
Turin 2.005
Southend 1.887
Torino 1.392
Seattle 839
Fairfield 803
Houston 772
Chandler 591
Boardman 516
Woodbridge 463
Ann Arbor 456
Wilmington 395
Singapore 390
San Francisco 381
Princeton 324
Santa Clara 301
Milan 290
Munich 279
Cambridge 271
Montréal 256
Mcallen 252
Dublin 231
Berlin 220
Council Bluffs 207
Des Moines 206
Buffalo 202
Mountain View 180
Beijing 175
Brussels 169
Jacksonville 151
San Ramon 142
Menlo Park 136
Izmir 130
Jakarta 124
Istanbul 111
Rome 110
Hanoi 108
Lequile 107
Redwood City 102
Bern 99
Shanghai 98
Chicago 94
Auckland 93
Austin 93
San Jose 89
Helsinki 88
Saint Petersburg 83
San Donato Milanese 74
Hangzhou 72
Paris 70
Fuzhou 67
Mumbai 67
Falls Church 66
Collegno 65
Seoul 65
Sofia 64
Dearborn 60
Maidenhead 58
Atlanta 54
Dallas 52
Guangzhou 50
Toronto 50
Vienna 50
London 48
San Diego 48
Tokyo 46
Herkenbosch 45
Zhengzhou 45
Ivrea 43
New York 43
Galati 42
Cupertino 41
Fremont 39
Phoenix 37
Shenzhen 37
Zaporozhye 37
Frankfurt am Main 35
Las Vegas 35
Norwalk 35
Amsterdam 34
Lecce 34
Bologna 33
Rotterdam 33
Brno 32
Pisa 32
Baltimore 30
Gilroy 30
Genova 29
Indiana 29
Quezon City 29
Bremen 28
Nanjing 28
Redmond 28
Muizenberg 27
Bari 26
San Antonio 26
Bangalore 25
Casale Monferrato 25
Lake Forest 25
Multan 25
Totale 21.259
Nome #
Home Energy Consumption Feedback: A User Survey 1.562
A Semantics-Rich Information Technology Architecture for Smart Buildings 1.133
Interacting with Smart Environments: Users, Interfaces, and Devices 1.057
Supporting Caregivers in Assisted Living Facilities for Persons with Disabilities: a User Study 964
dWatch: a Personal Wrist Watch for Smart Environments 900
DOGeye: Controlling your Home with Eye Interaction 853
GNomon: Enabling Dynamic One-Switch Games for Children with Severe Motor Disabilities 850
JEERP: Energy Aware Enterprise Resource Planning 835
A High-Level Approach Towards End User Development in the IoT 812
The Smart Home Controller on Your Wrist 798
PowerOnt: An Ontology-based Approach for Power Consumption Estimation in Smart Homes 738
IoT Meets Caregivers: a Healthcare Support System in Assisted Living Facilities 658
Easing IoT Development for Novice Programmers Through Code Recipes 604
Playable One-Switch Video Games for Children with Severe Motor Disabilities Based on GNomon 581
Design and Development of One-Switch Video Games for Children with Severe Motor Disabilities 576
A Context and User Aware Smart Notification System 567
Designing for User Confidence in Intelligent Environments 554
Design Recommendations for Smart Energy Monitoring: a Case Study in Italy 554
Educating Internet of Things Professionals: The Ambient Intelligence Course 549
Training Engineers for the Ambient Intelligence Challenge 538
A User-Friendly Interface for Rules Composition in Intelligent Environments 532
"Hey Siri, do you understand me?": Virtual Assistants and Dysarthria 532
HomeRules: A Tangible End-User Programming Interface for Smart Homes 521
A Healthcare Support System for Assisted Living Facilities: an IoT Solution 512
Estimate User Meaningful Places through Low-Energy Mobile Sensing 489
Pain Points for Novice Programmers of Ambient Intelligence Systems: An Exploratory Study 484
IoT Meets Exhibition Areas: a Modular Architecture to Improve Proximity Interactions 482
Real-time Big Data Processing for Domain Experts, An Application to Smart Buildings 462
Mastering Real-Time Big Data With Stream Processing Chains 460
On the Benefit of Adding User Preferences to Notification Delivery 434
XDN: Cross-Device Framework for Custom Notifications Management 413
The Race Towards Digital Wellbeing: Issues and Opportunities 391
On the Design of an Energy and User Aware Study Room 390
A Semantic Web Approach to Simplifying Trigger-Action Programming in the IoT 387
A Debugging Approach for Trigger-Action Programming 382
A Comparison and Critique of Natural Language Understanding Tools 380
DogOnt as a viable seed for semantic modeling of AEC/FM 365
Understanding, Discovering, and Mitigating Habitual Smartphone Use in Young Adults 359
IoT for Ambient Assisted Living: Care4Me - A Healthcare Support System 341
Clocks, Bars and Balls: Design and Evaluation of Alternative GNomon Widgets for Children with Disabilities 340
Interacting with Smart Environments: Users, Interfaces, and Devices 336
AwareNotifications: Multi-Device Semantic Notification Handling with User-Defined Preferences 334
Can We Make Dynamic, Accessible and Fun One-Switch Video Games? 329
A High-Level Semantic Approach to End-User Development in the Internet of Things 319
Assessing Virtual Assistant Capabilities with Italian Dysarthric Speech 317
Perception of Security Issues in the Development of Cloud-IoT Systems by a Novice Programmer 308
Learning the Social Web: a Multidisciplinary Approach 307
My IoT Puzzle: Debugging IF-THEN Rules Through the Jigsaw Metaphor 303
Leveraging Large Language Models for End User Website Generation 284
Complex Event Processing for City Officers: A Filter and Pipe Visual Approach 279
The Ambient Intelligence Course at Politecnico Di Torino 277
From Users' Intentions to IF-THEN Rules in the Internet of Things 251
RecRules: Recommending IF-THEN Rules for End-User Development 237
XDN: Cross-Device Framework for Custom Notifications Management 236
Empowering End Users in Debugging Trigger-Action Rules 236
Towards Computational Notebooks for IoT Development 223
An Unsupervised and Non-Invasive Model for Predicting Network Resource Demands 217
EUDoptimizer: Assisting End Users in Composing IF-THEN Rules Through Optimization 210
Towards Detecting and Mitigating Smartphone Habits 208
TAPrec: Supporting the Composition of Trigger-Action Rules Through Dynamic Recommendations 201
On the Challenges Novice Programmers Experience in Developing IoT Systems: A Survey 194
On the Impact of Dysarthric Speech on Contemporary ASR Cloud Platforms 191
Coping with Digital Wellbeing in a Multi-Device World 188
Message from the Student Research Symposium Chairs 181
HeyTAP: Bridging the Gaps Between Users' Needs and Technology in IF-THEN Rules via Conversation 178
Collaborative Accessible Gameplay with One-Switch Interfaces 173
Improving the effectiveness of SQL learning practice: a data-driven approach 169
On The Advanced Services That 5G May Provide To IoT Applications 162
How the Preattentive Process is Exploited in Practical Information Visualization Design: a Review 151
Devices, Information, and People: Abstracting the Internet of Things for End-User Personalization 145
Towards Understanding the Dark Patterns That Steal Our Attention 145
Personalizing IoT Ecosystems via Voice 144
Helping Novice Developers Harness Security Issues in Cloud-IoT Systems 144
Systematic Variation of Preattentive Attributes to Highlight Relevant Data in Information Visualization 135
Computational Notebooks to Support Developers in Prototyping IoT Systems 135
Nudging Users Towards Conscious Social Media Use 131
Interacting with the Internet of Things 131
Designing Technology That Promotes Users' Digital Wellbeing 130
On How Novices Approach Programming Exercises Before and During Coding 130
Style-Aware Sketch-to-Code Conversion for the Web 126
Reducing Risk in Digital Self-Control Tools: Design Patterns and Prototype 123
Nudging Users or Redesigning Interfaces? Evaluating Novel Strategies for Digital Wellbeing Through inControl 121
TextCode: A Tool to Support Problem Solving Among Novice Programmers 120
IoT for ambient assisted living: Care4Me - A healthcare support system 119
On Computational Notebooks to Empower Physical Computing Novices 119
Touch-Based Ontology Browsing on Tablets and Surfaces 117
Teaching and Learning "Digital Wellbeing" 116
How is Open Source Software Development Different in Popular IoT Projects? 116
Recognizing Student Research through Symposia and Competitions 112
Towards Multi-Device Digital Self-Control Tools 100
Defining Trigger-Action Rules via Voice: a Novel Approach for End-User Development in the IoT 99
Hey StepByStep! Can You Teach Me How To Use My Phone Better? 99
Dear Diary: On Documenting Novices' Development Process 97
Towards Vocally-Composed Personalization Rules in the IoT 95
How Do End-Users Program the Internet of Things? 93
Towards A Visual Programming Tool to Create Deep Learning Models 92
Empowering Users: End User Development for Mobile Applications Privacy Management 91
Creating Dynamic Prototypes from Web Page Sketches 91
Data4Good: Designing for Diversity and Development 91
Understanding and Streamlining App Switching Experiences in Mobile Interaction 89
Totale 34.934
Categoria #
all - tutte 75.705
article - articoli 29.654
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 41.861
curatela - curatele 292
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.204
Totale 149.716

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.431 0 0 0 0 0 533 531 425 390 150 253 149
2020/20213.367 262 286 155 269 216 224 299 266 344 514 251 281
2021/20222.916 158 316 118 122 156 216 187 161 238 388 411 445
2022/20233.295 248 392 137 264 350 344 361 151 286 178 269 315
2023/20242.508 160 244 187 159 205 270 156 172 106 237 342 270
2024/20252.389 293 564 347 682 331 172 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 36.101