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Mechanisms of interaction among enzymes and supports / Camelin, E.; Romero, O.; Piumetti, M.; Ottone, C.; Illanes, A.; Fino, D. - In: Nanomaterials for BiocatalysisELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : Elsevier, 2022. - ISBN 9780128244364. - pp. 105-148 [10.1016/B978-0-12-824436-4.00022-8] 1-gen-2022 Camelin E.Piumetti M.Fino D. + -
Catalytic Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds over Porous Manganese Oxides Prepared via Sol-Gel Method / Marin Figueredo, Miguel Jose; Piumetti, Marco; Bensaid, Samir; Fino, Debora; Russo, Nunzio - In: Nanostructured Catalysts for Environmental ApplicationsSTAMPA. - Cham : Springer, Cham, 2021. - ISBN 9783030589332. - pp. 59-78 [10.1007/978-3-030-58934-9_2] 1-gen-2021 Marin Figueredo, Miguel JosePiumetti, MarcoBensaid, SamirFino, DeboraNunzio Russo Chapter 2 Miguel Marin.pdf
Natural Zeolites as Sustainable Materials for Environmental Processes / Dosa, Melodj; Piumetti, Marco; Davarpanah, Elahe; Moncaglieri, Giulia; Fino, Debora - In: Nanostructured Catalysts for Environmental Applications / Piumetti M., Bensaid S.. - STAMPA. - [s.l] : Springer, 2021. - ISBN 978-3-030-58933-2. - pp. 367-381 [10.1007/978-3-030-58934-9_13] 1-gen-2021 Dosa, MelodjPiumetti, MarcoDavarpanah, ElaheFino, Debora + 12.Chapter_13_Dosa2021_Chapter_NaturalZeolitesAsSustainableMa.pdf
The bioenergy-fertilizer nexus: a challenge achievable from municipal wastewater / Camelin, Enrico; Cristina, Giulio; Simelton, Elisabeth; Fino, Debora; Tommasi, Tonia (UNIPA SPRINGER SERIES). - In: Innovations in land, water and energy for Vietnam’s sustainable development / Anderle M.. - ELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : Springer International Publishing, 2020. - ISBN 978-3-030-51259-0. [10.1007/978-3-030-51260-6_12] 1-gen-2020 Camelin, EnricoCristina, GiulioFino, DeboraTommasi, Tonia + The Bioenergy-Fertilizer Nexus_A Challenge Achievable_IRIS.pdf
Advances in Cleaning Mobile Emissions: NOx-Assisted Soot Oxidation in Light-Duty Diesel Engine Vehicle Application / Andana, T.; Piumetti, M.; Bensaid, S.; Russo, N.; Fino, D.; Pirone, R. (STUDIES IN SURFACE SCIENCE AND CATALYSIS). - In: Horizons in Sustainable Industrial Chemistry and CatalysisSTAMPA. - [s.l] : Elsevier B.V., 2019. - ISBN 9780444641274. - pp. 329-352 [10.1016/B978-0-444-64127-4.00016-1] 1-gen-2019 Andana T.Piumetti M.Bensaid S.Russo N.Fino D.Pirone R. -
Il cibo come spazio di azione di un Green Team di Ateneo / Fino, Debora; Stabellini, Barbara; Tamborrini, PAOLO MARCO - In: Le Università e il cibo. Buone pratiche verso un’alimentazione sostenibile negli atenei / Dansero E., Fassio F., Sirsi E., Tecco N.. - ELETTRONICO. - Torino : Celid, 2019. - ISBN 978-88-6789-084-2. - pp. 81-84 1-gen-2019 Debora FinoBarbara StabelliniPaolo Tamborrini 9788867890842_universita-cibo-finostabellinitamborrini.pdf
Direct Energy Balance of Anaerobic Digestion (AD) Toward Sustainability / LUONGO MALAVE', ANDREA CRISTINA; Sanfilippo, Sara; Fino, Debora; Ruggeri, Bernardo - In: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONSSTAMPA. - [s.l] : AIDIC Servizi srl., 2014. - ISBN 9788895608297. - pp. 451-456 [10.3303/CET1438076] 1-gen-2014 LUONGO MALAVE', ANDREA CRISTINASANFILIPPO, SARAFINO, DEBORARUGGERI, Bernardo -
Hydrogen production in conventional, bio-based and nuclear power plants / Fino, Debora - In: Advances in Hydrogen Production, Storage and Distribution[s.l] : Elsevier Inc., 2014. - ISBN 9780857097736. - pp. 85-122 [10.1533/9780857097736.1.85] 1-gen-2014 FINO, DEBORA -
Polyphenols Concentration’s Effect on the Biogas Production by Wastes Derived from Olive Oil Production / Battista, Federico; Fino, Debora; Ruggeri, Bernardo - In: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONSSTAMPA. - [s.l] : AIDIC SERVIZI SRL, VIA GIUSEPPE COLOMBO 81/A, MILANO, MI 20133, ITALY, 2014. - ISBN 9788895608297. - pp. 373-378 [10.3303/CET1438063] 1-gen-2014 BATTISTA, FEDERICOFINO, DEBORARUGGERI, Bernardo -
Diesel particulate filters / Fino, Debora - In: 2010 McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & TechnologyNEW YORK, NY 10121 : McGraw-Hill Professional, 2010. - ISBN 9780071639286. - pp. 104-106 1-gen-2010 FINO, DEBORA -
Electroxidation of biorefractory organic compounds over a titania sponge under a superimposed electric field / Jara, C. C.; Fino, Debora; Specchia, Vito; Saracco, Guido; Spinelli, Paolo - In: Technological Applications in Wastewater EngineeringDelhi : Daya Publishing House (2009), 2009. - ISBN 9788170355533. - pp. 209-225 1-gen-2009 FINO, DEBORASPECCHIA, VitoSARACCO, GUIDOSPINELLI, Paolo + -
Pd substitution effects in perovskite catalysts for methane emissions control / Russo, Nunzio; Palmisano, P; Fino, Debora; Saracco, G; Specchia, Vito - In: Chemical Engineering Greetings to Prof. Eliseo Ranzi on occasion of his 65th birthday / PROF. M. DENTE ED.. - MILANO : Reed Business Information S.p.A., 2008. - pp. 437-444 1-gen-2008 RUSSO, NunzioFINO, DEBORASPECCHIA, Vito + -
Catalytic filters for flue gas cleaning / Fino, Debora; Specchia, Stefania; Saracco, Guido; Specchia, Vito - In: Structured Catalysts and Reactors / A. CYBULSKI AND J.A. MOULIJN. - BOCA RATON, FL : CRC Press, 2006. - ISBN 9780824723439. - pp. 553-578 1-gen-2006 FINO, DEBORASPECCHIA, STEFANIASARACCO, GUIDOSPECCHIA, Vito -
Diesel particulate abatement via catalytic wall-flow filters:regeneration parameters study / E., Cauda; Fino, Debora; Saracco, Guido; Specchia, Vito - In: extended abstracts,12th symposium on catalysis Catalysis,Trondheim, Norway[s.l], 2006. - ISBN 9788299556910. - pp. 86-87 1-gen-2006 FINO, DEBORASARACCO, GUIDOSPECCHIA, Vito + -
Inorganic membrane reactors / Specchia, Stefania; Fino, Debora; Saracco, Guido; Specchia, Vito - In: Structured catalysts and reactors, 2nd ed. / Andrzej Cybulski, Jacob A Moulijn (ed.). - Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis, 2006. - ISBN 0824723430. - pp. 615-661 1-gen-2006 SPECCHIA, STEFANIAFINO, DEBORASARACCO, GUIDOSPECCHIA, Vito -
Novel Approaches in Oxidative Catalysis for Diesel Particulate Abatement / Fino, Debora; Russo, Nunzio; E., Cauda; Mescia, Davide; S., Solaro; Saracco, Guido; V., Specchia - In: 11th International Ceramics Congress[s.l] : Trans Tech, 2006. - ISBN 9783908158011. - pp. 2083-2088 1-gen-2006 FINO, DEBORARUSSO, NunzioMESCIA, DavideSARACCO, GUIDO + -
Abatement of Diesel Soot via wall-flow trap based on multifunctional Catalyst / Cauda, E.; Fino, Debora; Saracco, Guido; Specchia, Vito - In: Advances Gas Cleaning and Technology / C. KANOKA; H. MAKINO AND H. KAMYA. - [s.l] : Shobo Publisher, 2005. - ISBN 9784915245619. - pp. 665-672 1-gen-2005 FINO, DEBORASARACCO, GUIDOSPECCHIA, Vito + -
CNG Engines Exhaust Gas Treatment via Pd-Spinel-type-oxide catalysts / Fino, Debora; Russo, Nunzio; Saracco, Guido; Specchia, Vito - In: Catalytic Combustion / P. FORZATTI; G. GROPPI; P. CIAMBELLI AND D. SANNINO. - MILANO : Polipress, 2005. - ISBN 9788873980155. - pp. 175-181 1-gen-2005 FINO, DEBORARUSSO, NunzioSARACCO, GUIDOSPECCHIA, Vito -
Coupling catalytic combustion of VOC and NOx SCR in multifunctional filters for incinerator flue gas treatment / Russo, Nunzio; Fino, Debora; Saracco, Guido; Specchia, Vito - In: Catalytic Combustion / P. FORZATTI; G. GROPPI; P. CIAMBELLI AND D. SANNINO.. - MILANO : Polipress, 2005. - ISBN 9788873980155. - pp. 188-194 1-gen-2005 RUSSO, NunzioFINO, DEBORASARACCO, GUIDOSPECCHIA, Vito -
Gas (particulate) filtration / Fino, Debora; Saracco, Guido - In: Cellular ceramics: structure, manufacturing, properties and applications / COLOMBO P.; SCHEFFLER M.. - WEINHEIM : Wiley-VCH, 2005. - ISBN 9783527313204. - pp. 416-438 1-gen-2005 FINO, DEBORASARACCO, GUIDO -