Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.198
EU - Europa 5.160
AS - Asia 1.119
SA - Sud America 20
AF - Africa 11
OC - Oceania 7
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 12.518
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.185
IT - Italia 1.119
GB - Regno Unito 1.012
DE - Germania 908
FR - Francia 693
UA - Ucraina 504
CN - Cina 500
RU - Federazione Russa 245
SG - Singapore 183
NL - Olanda 177
TR - Turchia 140
IE - Irlanda 122
CH - Svizzera 102
FI - Finlandia 79
KR - Corea 76
JO - Giordania 64
SE - Svezia 61
AT - Austria 33
JP - Giappone 29
BE - Belgio 25
MY - Malesia 25
IL - Israele 24
IN - India 22
RO - Romania 21
TW - Taiwan 21
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 14
CA - Canada 11
EU - Europa 10
BR - Brasile 9
IR - Iran 8
VN - Vietnam 8
AU - Australia 7
CL - Cile 7
ES - Italia 7
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 6
HR - Croazia 5
AR - Argentina 4
EE - Estonia 4
EG - Egitto 4
HK - Hong Kong 4
PT - Portogallo 4
BY - Bielorussia 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
DZ - Algeria 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
DK - Danimarca 2
ID - Indonesia 2
LT - Lituania 2
MX - Messico 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PL - Polonia 2
SI - Slovenia 2
TH - Thailandia 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
GR - Grecia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LY - Libia 1
PH - Filippine 1
RS - Serbia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 12.518
Città #
Ashburn 1.497
Southend 913
Seattle 772
Fairfield 409
Council Bluffs 392
Santa Clara 269
Des Moines 267
Jacksonville 260
Princeton 215
Chandler 205
Beijing 180
Woodbridge 176
Cambridge 152
Ann Arbor 148
Houston 148
Singapore 135
San Ramon 132
Berlin 128
Wilmington 128
Turin 123
Dublin 118
Izmir 115
Bern 95
Boardman 74
Chicago 72
Zhengzhou 72
Helsinki 70
San Donato Milanese 69
Pennsylvania Furnace 64
Overberg 61
Zaporozhye 61
Herkenbosch 57
Torino 57
Frankfurt 56
Shanghai 53
Rome 47
Saint Petersburg 46
Baltimore 45
Hangzhou 38
Padua 32
San Diego 32
Monopoli 31
Milan 30
Vienna 30
Mountain View 28
New York 27
Amsterdam 24
Guangzhou 24
Redwood City 23
Brussels 20
Moscow 18
London 17
Ningbo 14
Podenzano 13
Malatya 12
Norwalk 12
Andover 11
Atlanta 11
Modena 11
Redmond 11
Tel Aviv 11
Sedriano 10
Taipei 10
Bucharest 9
Naples 9
Kazan 8
Lappeenranta 8
Nanjing 8
Palermo 8
Toronto 8
Verona 8
Yubileyny 8
Edinburgh 7
Hanoi 7
Kiev 7
Las Vegas 7
Paris 7
Puglianello 7
Xian 7
Belluno 6
Bologna 6
Florence 6
Istanbul 6
Monza 6
Nanterre 6
Nichelino 6
Olbia 6
Salerno 6
Tapping 6
Vicenza 6
Zhitomir 6
Chengdu 5
Cotronei 5
Dearborn 5
Frankfurt Am Main 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Melun 5
Miami 5
Palm Beach Gardens 5
Procida 5
Totale 8.621
Nome #
Appunti di costruzioni aeronautiche A 628
A refined structural model for static aeroelastic response and divergence of metallic and composite wings 370
Improved response of unsymmetrically laminatedsandwich plates by using zig-zag functions 312
Improved bending analysis of sandwich plates using a zig-zag function 308
Vibration analysis of anisotropic simply supported plates by using variable kinematic and rayleigh-ritz method 307
Free vibration of sandwich plates and shells by using zig-zag function 294
Vortex Lattice Method Coupled with Advanced One-Dimensional Structural Models 268
Aerodinamica dei sistemi portanti chiusi: ala anulare ellittica 265
Studio aerodinamico di un'ala anulare ellittica 264
Classical and advanced Multilayered plate element based upon PVD and RMVT. Part II: Numerical implementations 256
2D, Quasi 3D and 3D Exact Solutions for Bending of Thick and Thin Sandwich Plates 249
Invariant formulation for the minimum induced drag conditions of nonplanar wing systems 247
On the developments of a Joined Wing Prandtlplane 245
Flutter Failure Risk Assessment for Damage-Tolerant Composite Aircraft Structures 224
An Invariant Finite Element Model for Composite Structures: the Generalized Unified Formulation 221
∞6mixed plate theories based on the Generalized Unified Formulation. Part I: Governing Equations 218
An Advanced Unified Aeroelastic Formulation based on 1D Higher-Order Finite Elements 218
Assess the Accuracy of the Variational Asymptotic Plate and Shell Analysis Using the Generalized Unified Formulation 217
Three-dimensional closed form solutions and ∞3 theories for orthotropic plates 212
∞6mixed plate theories based on the Generalized Unified Formulation. Part IV: Zig-Zag Theories 204
Two benchmarks to assess two-dimensional theories of Sandwich Composite Plates 200
Assess the Accuracy of the Variational Asymptotic Plate and Shell Analysis (VAPAS) Using the Generalized Unified Formulation (GUF) 199
Minimum Induced Drag Theorems for Nonplanar Systems and Closed Wings 199
∞6mixed plate theories based on the Generalized Unified Formulation. Part III: Advanced Mixed High Order Shear Deformation Theories 198
Aeroelastic coupling of Geometrically Nonlinear Structures and Linear Unsteady Aerodynamics – Two Formulations 197
An Improved Beam Formulation for AeroelasticApplications 191
Classical and advanced Multilayered plate element based upon PVD and RMVT. Part I : Derivation of finite element matrices 190
A Reduced Order Nonlinear Aeroelastic Analysis of Joined Wings Based on the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition 190
∞6mixed plate theories based on the Generalized Unified Formulation. Par V: Results 189
Ala Anulare Ellittica: Distribuzione di Circolazione di Minima Resistenza Indotta 186
Refined Multilayered Plate Elements Based on Murakami Zig-Zag Functions 185
Minimum induced drag theorems for multiwing systems 185
“∞3 plate theories for thick and thin plates: the generalized unified formulation 183
An Invariant Model for any Composite Plate Theory and FEM Applications: the Generalized Unified Formulation 181
Aeroelasticity of Structurally Nonlinear Lifting Surfaces Using Linear Modally Reduced Aerodynamic Generalized Forces 175
Dynamic Aeroelasticity of Structurally Nonlinear Configurations Using Linear Modally Reduced Aerodynamic Generalized Forces 174
Induced Drag Minimization: a Variational Approach Using the Acceleration Potential 172
Dynamic Aeroelasticity of Structurally Nonlinear Configurations Using Linear Modally Reduced Aerodynamic Generalized Forces 172
An Assessment of Multilayered Finite Plate Elements in View of the C0z Requirements 171
On Two-Dimennional FEM simulatuon of Layered Plates, 170
Quasi-3D Analysis of Free Vibration of Anisotropic Plates 167
∞6mixed plate theories based on the Generalized Unified Formulation. Part II: Layerwise theories 165
Aerodynamic analysis of non-conventional wing configurations for aeroelastic applications 164
Partially Zig-Zag Advanced Shear Deformation Theories Based on the Generalized Unified Formulation 164
A Theoretical Investigation on the Conditions of Minimum Induced Drag of Closed Wing Systems and C-Wings 162
Aeroelastic Coupling of Geometrically Nonlinear Structures and Linear Unsteady Aerodynamics: Two Formulations 161
Three-Dimensional Closed Form Solutions and Exact Thin Plate Theories for Isotropic Plates 158
Probabilistic Modeling of the Aeroelastic Life Cycle for Risk Evaluation of Composite Structures 155
Treatment of Stress Variables in Advanced Multilayered Plate Elements Based Upon Reissner’s Mixed Variational Theorem 153
Contributions to Joined-Wing Aeroelasticity 147
Exploratory Studies of Joined Wing Aeroelasticity 137
Dynamic Aeroelasticity of Coupling Full Order Geometrically Nonlinear Structurs and Full Order Linear Unsteady Aerodynamic – The Joined Wing Case 132
Sandwich Plate Analysis by Finite Element Method and Reissner's Mixed Theorem 127
A Plate Structural Capability for the Nonlinear Aeroelastic Analysis of Joined-Wing Configurations 126
RADARSAT-2 Stress Summary Report, Issue 1 124
Influence of Temperature Profile on the Accuracy of Classical and Refined Multilayered Plate 124
RADARSAT-2 Static Analysis Report, Issue 4 123
Structural Ritz-Based Simple-Polynomial Nonlinear Equivalent Approach – An Assessment 121
Effetto delle condizioni al contorno sulla modellizzazione di piastre multistrato” (English translation of the title: “Effects of the Boundary Conditions for 2D Models of Multilayered Plates 118
Elementi finiti piastra C[0-z] basati sull’equazione mista di Reissner 115
Multi-Theory FEM Architecture for the Generation of Advanced Mixed Shear Deformation Theories Based on the Generalized Unified Formulation for Composite Structures 115
Structural Ritz-Based Simple-Polynomial Nonlinear Equivalent Approach – An Assessment 115
The Structural Order Reduction Challenge in the Case of Geometrically Nonlinear Joined-Wing Configurations 110
Partially Zig-Zag Advanced Shear Deformation Theories Based on the Generalized Unified Formulation 109
Totale 12.526
Categoria #
all - tutte 35.445
article - articoli 18.907
book - libri 1.257
conference - conferenze 13.004
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 1.856
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 421
Totale 70.890

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020720 0 0 0 0 0 121 84 187 137 121 52 18
2020/2021824 134 134 22 93 23 112 38 77 23 77 70 21
2021/2022532 34 37 6 14 5 25 27 20 27 36 116 185
2022/20231.641 100 188 26 50 52 149 333 42 148 15 36 502
2023/2024213 14 13 6 13 31 18 8 12 4 11 28 55
2024/2025726 19 246 58 104 182 117 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.526