Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Ambiente, del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture  


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Implementing Nature-Based Solutions for a Circular Urban Built Environment / Pineda-Martos, Rocío; Atanasova, Nataša; Calheiros, Cristina S. C.; Junge, Ranka; Nickayin, Samaneh S.; Paço, Teresa A.; Dominici, Laura; Comino, Elena; Andreucci, Maria-Beatrice; Theochari, Dimitra; Pucher, Bernhard; Galán González, Aránzazu; Carvalho &, Pedro N.; Langergraber, Guenter - In: Creating a Roadmap Towards Circularity in the Built EnvironmentELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : Springer, 2023. - ISBN 978-3-031-45979-5. - pp. 345-355 [10.1007/978-3-031-45980-1] 1-gen-2023 Laura DominiciElena Comino + Chapter.pdf
An Integrated Method to Assess Flood Risk and Resilience in the MAB UNESCO Collina Po (Italy) / Quagliolo, Carlotta; Assumma, Vanessa; Comino, Elena; Mondini, Giulio; Pezzoli, Alessandro (LECTURE NOTES IN NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS). - In: New Metropolitan Perspectives. Post COVID Dynamics: Green and Digital Transition, between Metropolitan and Return to Villages PerspectivesELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : Springer, 2022. - ISBN 978-3-031-06825-6. - pp. 2545-2555 [10.1007/978-3-031-06825-6_243] 1-gen-2022 Quagliolo, CarlottaComino, ElenaMondini, GiulioPezzoli, Alessandro + Quagliolo et al_Volume NMP22.pdf
The Relation Between Coastal Flood Risk and Ecosystem Services Affecting Coastal Tourism: A Review of Recent Assessments / Quagliolo, Carlotta; Pezzoli, Alessandro; Comino, Elena; Bagliani, Marco (CITIES RESEARCH SERIES). - In: SeaCities / Baumaister J.; Bertone E.; Burton P.. - STAMPA. - Singapore : Springer Nature, 2021. - ISBN 978-981-15-8747-4. - pp. 191-216 [10.1007/978-981-15-8748-1_8] 1-gen-2021 Quagliolo CarlottaPezzoli AlessandroComino ElenaBagliani Marco 2021_Bookmatter_SeaCities.pdf
Contaminants in the Soil Can Accumulate into Vegetables and Translocate into our Organisms through the Food Chain / Comino, Elena; Cerise, F.; Menegatti, S. - In: Food Chains: New Research / Jensen M. A., Muller D. W.. - STAMPA. - Hauppauge : Nova Science Publishers, 2011. - ISBN 9781613243770. - pp. 93-136 1-gen-2011 COMINO, ELENA + -
Herbaceous Species to Control the Alpine Soil Erosion: Field and Laboratory Experimental Tes / Comino, Elena; Marengo, P.; Rolli, V. - In: Alpine Environment: Geology, Ecology and Conservation / John G. Schmidt. - [s.l] : Nova publisher, 2011. - ISBN 9781612093925. 1-gen-2011 COMINO, ELENA + -
Soil erosion aspects in agricultural ecosystem / Comino, Elena; Marengo, P.; Rolli, V. - In: Soil erosion issues in agriculture / Godone D., Stanchi S.. - ELETTRONICO. - Rijeka : Intech, 2011. - ISBN 9789533074351. - pp. 89-112 1-gen-2011 COMINO, ELENA + -
“VALORiver. Sustainable valorisation project of the Sangone River" / Tosoni, P.; Comino, Elena; Ingaramo, Roberta; Rosso, Maurizio; Palazzo, D.; Voghera, Angioletta - In: Multidisciplinarity and innovations ASP Projects 5 / ASP. - STAMPA. - Milano : Polipress – Alta Scuola Politecnica, 2011. - ISBN 9788873980711. - pp. 50-63 1-gen-2011 COMINO, ELENAINGARAMO, ROBERTAROSSO, MAURIZIOVOGHERA, Angioletta + -
Water pollution indicators of sustainability in Europe, and their application to coastal water quality evaluation in Italy / Comino, Elena - In: Ecotoxicology, Ecological Risk Assessment and Multiple Stressors / ARAPIS G.; GONCHAROVA N.; BAVEYE P.. - [s.l] : Springer, 2006. - ISBN 9781402044755. - pp. 255-267 1-gen-2006 COMINO, ELENA -