Dipartimento Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia
Promising Antimicrobial Properties of Silicon-Based Thin-Film Coatings
2017 Mandracci, Pietro; Mussano, Federico
Si-Based Amorphous Thin Films for the Performance Improvement of Dental Prostheses and Implants
2012 Mandracci, Pietro; Gazia, R.; Mussano, F.; Carossa, S.; Pirri, Candido
X-Ray Analysis on Ceramic Materials Deposited by Sputtering and Reactive Sputtering for Sensing Applications
2012 Gazia, Rossana; Chiodoni, Angelica; Celasco, Edvige; Bianco, Stefano; Mandracci, Pietro
A Study on Inorganic Metallic and Dielectric Thin Films Grown on Polymeric Substrates at Room Temperature by PVD and CVD Techniques
2009 Mandracci, Pietro; Gazia, Rossana; Rivolo, Paola; Perrone, Denis; Chiodoni, Angelica
Recent progresses in the growth, processing and characterization of silicon carbide
2003 Mandracci, Pietro; Fanchini, G; Ferrero, Sergio; Ricciardi, Carlo; Scaltrito, Luciano
Micro-Raman characterization of mc-Si:H films deposited by PECVD, mc-SiC:H deposited by ECR-CVD and 6H-SiC wafers
2002 Ferrero, Sergio; Giorgis, Fabrizio; Pirri, Candido; Mandracci, Pietro; Cicero, Giancarlo; Ricciardi, Carlo
Citazione | Data di pubblicazione | Autori | File |
Promising Antimicrobial Properties of Silicon-Based Thin-Film Coatings / Mandracci, Pietro; Mussano, Federico - In: Handbook of Antimicrobial Coatings / Tiwari A.. - ELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : Elsevier, 2017. - ISBN 9780128119822. - pp. 153-164 [10.1016/B978-0-12-811982-2.00009-3] | 1-gen-2017 | MANDRACCI, Pietro + | TIWARI_9780128119839_chapter9.pdf |
Si-Based Amorphous Thin Films for the Performance Improvement of Dental Prostheses and Implants / Mandracci, Pietro; Gazia, R.; Mussano, F.; Carossa, S.; Pirri, Candido - In: Prostheses: Design, Types and Complications / Colombo D. F., Rossi G. S.. - STAMPA. - [s.l] : Nova Science Publishers, 2012. - ISBN 9781621008545. - pp. 67-82 | 1-gen-2012 | MANDRACCI, PietroPIRRI, Candido + | - |
X-Ray Analysis on Ceramic Materials Deposited by Sputtering and Reactive Sputtering for Sensing Applications / Gazia, Rossana; Chiodoni, Angelica; Celasco, Edvige; Bianco, Stefano; Mandracci, Pietro - In: X-Ray Spectroscopy / Sharma S. K.. - ELETTRONICO. - [s.l] : InTech, 2012. - ISBN 9789533079677. - pp. 219-244 [10.5772/1422] | 1-gen-2012 | GAZIA, ROSSANACHIODONI, ANGELICACELASCO, EDVIGEBIANCO, STEFANOMANDRACCI, Pietro | - |
A Study on Inorganic Metallic and Dielectric Thin Films Grown on Polymeric Substrates at Room Temperature by PVD and CVD Techniques / Mandracci, Pietro; Gazia, Rossana; Rivolo, Paola; Perrone, Denis; Chiodoni, Angelica - In: Surface Coatings / M. RIZZO; G. BRUNO. - [s.l] : Nova Science Publishers, 2009. - ISBN 9781607411932. - pp. 189-212 | 1-gen-2009 | MANDRACCI, PietroGAZIA, ROSSANARIVOLO, PAOLAPERRONE, DENISCHIODONI, ANGELICA | - |
Recent progresses in the growth, processing and characterization of silicon carbide / Mandracci, Pietro; Fanchini, G; Ferrero, Sergio; Ricciardi, Carlo; Scaltrito, Luciano - In: Recent Research Development in Applied Physics / .. - KERALA : Transworld Research Network, 2003. - ISBN 9788178950853. - pp. 427-450 | 1-gen-2003 | MANDRACCI, PietroFERRERO, SERGIORICCIARDI, CarloSCALTRITO, LUCIANO + | - |
Micro-Raman characterization of mc-Si:H films deposited by PECVD, mc-SiC:H deposited by ECR-CVD and 6H-SiC wafers / Ferrero, Sergio; Giorgis, Fabrizio; Pirri, Candido; Mandracci, Pietro; Cicero, Giancarlo; Ricciardi, Carlo - In: State of the Art and Future Development in Raman Spectroscopy and Related Techniques / G. MESSINA, S. SANTANGELO. - AMSTERDAM : IOS Press, 2002. - ISBN 9781586032623. - pp. 113-130 | 1-gen-2002 | FERRERO, SERGIOGIORGIS, FABRIZIOPIRRI, CandidoMANDRACCI, PietroCICERO, GiancarloRICCIARDI, Carlo | - |