Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 785
NA - Nord America 633
AS - Asia 149
SA - Sud America 6
OC - Oceania 4
Totale 1.577
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 619
IT - Italia 293
DE - Germania 148
GB - Regno Unito 143
FR - Francia 52
CN - Cina 50
UA - Ucraina 30
SG - Singapore 28
IE - Irlanda 18
SE - Svezia 17
TR - Turchia 17
AT - Austria 16
CA - Canada 13
RU - Federazione Russa 13
MY - Malesia 12
BE - Belgio 11
CH - Svizzera 11
NL - Olanda 10
KR - Corea 9
IR - Iran 8
FI - Finlandia 7
HK - Hong Kong 5
JO - Giordania 5
PL - Polonia 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
ID - Indonesia 4
PE - Perù 4
AU - Australia 3
HR - Croazia 3
TW - Taiwan 3
BR - Brasile 2
IN - India 2
RO - Romania 2
VN - Vietnam 2
CU - Cuba 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EU - Europa 1
IL - Israele 1
JP - Giappone 1
LT - Lituania 1
NP - Nepal 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
Totale 1.577
Città #
Ashburn 115
Southend 110
Chandler 76
Ann Arbor 70
Torino 54
Turin 44
Princeton 35
Fairfield 32
San Ramon 26
Seattle 24
Singapore 22
Berlin 20
Cambridge 18
Dublin 18
Beijing 17
Houston 17
Woodbridge 17
Jacksonville 16
Boardman 15
Rome 15
Trofarello 14
Brussels 11
Izmir 10
Bern 9
Milan 9
San Donato Milanese 9
Santa Clara 9
London 8
Vienna 7
Wilmington 7
Ardabil 6
Duisburg 6
Helsinki 6
Redwood City 6
Frankfurt Am Main 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Lodz 5
Ottawa 5
Overland Park 5
San Antonio 5
Abu Dhabi 4
Cagliari 4
Lima 4
Mestre 4
Mountain View 4
Seclì 4
Toronto 4
Zaporozhye 4
Albano Laziale 3
Andover 3
Bellegra 3
Binasco 3
Camporosso 3
Hanover 3
Istanbul 3
Jakarta 3
Leawood 3
Malatya 3
Milazzo 3
Monteprandone 3
Polverigi 3
Stockholm 3
Zagreb 3
Alassio 2
Atessa 2
Augusta 2
Baltimore 2
Basiano 2
Busto Arsizio 2
Durham 2
Falls Church 2
Giaveno 2
Graz 2
Grezzana 2
Groningen 2
Hong Kong 2
Kusnacht 2
Lake Forest 2
Lecco 2
Leinì 2
Melbourne 2
Monmouth Junction 2
Monopoli 2
New York 2
Nürnberg 2
Palombara Sabina 2
Pisa 2
San Diego 2
San Mateo 2
Shanghai 2
Venaria Reale 2
Victoria 2
Zhengzhou 2
Albinea 1
Alpignano 1
Atlanta 1
Auckland 1
Basking Ridge 1
Bath 1
Biella 1
Totale 1.052
Nome #
A Multilayer Taxonomy of Cost Estimation Techniques, Looking at the Whole Product Lifecycle 297
A runway to leap across the chasm 210
When costs from being a constraint become a driver for concept generation 204
Interdisciplinary life cycle data analysis within a knowledge-based system for product cost estimation 172
Data-driven design: The new challenges of digitalization on product design and development 154
When costs from being a constraint become a driver for concept generation 124
A product architecture-based framework for a data-driven estimation of lifecycle cost 97
When Lifecycle Cost Analysis Enables Strategic Design Considerations 77
Are ai tools going to be the new designers? A taxonomy for measuring the level of automation of design activities 48
A Methodological Investigation of Design and Mentoring Processes in Start-Up Incubation 10
Totale 1.611
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.074
article - articoli 1.560
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 2.158
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 7.792

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020115 0 0 0 0 0 13 16 20 16 26 9 15
2020/2021148 13 20 13 17 7 8 6 6 14 16 19 9
2021/2022187 27 15 15 6 5 9 2 2 21 5 22 58
2022/2023212 27 49 13 18 21 26 10 7 25 0 6 10
2023/202453 3 6 0 3 7 6 3 4 1 4 9 7
2024/2025116 3 39 7 29 20 18 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.611