Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale
Fatigue resistance of low pressure nitrided Cr-Mo low alloy steels
2022 Firrao, D.; Ubertalli, G.; Morgano, E.; Brunelli, A.
Low temperature tempering of low alloy 39NiCrMo3 and 36NiCrMo16 quenched and tempered steels
2021 Firrao, Donato; Matteis, Paolo; De Sario, Antonio
2019 Ferro, GIUSEPPE ANDREA; Iacoviello, Francesco; Luca, Susmel; Firrao, Donato
Exploring the low temperature tempering range of low alloy quenched and tempered steels
2019 Firrao, D.; Matteis, P.; De Sario, A.
Finite fracture mechanics predictions on the apparent fracture toughness of as-quenched Charpy V-type AISI 4340 steel specimens
2017 Sapora, ALBERTO GIUSEPPE; Firrao, Donato
Implementation of the theory of critical distances using mesh control
2017 Vargiu, Filippo; Sweeney, Derek; Firrao, Donato; Matteis, Paolo; Taylor, David
An improved Finite Fracture Mechanics approach to blunt V-notch brittle fracture mechanics: Experimental verification on ceramic, metallic, and plastic materials
2015 Sapora, ALBERTO GIUSEPPE; Cornetti, Pietro; Carpinteri, Alberto; Firrao, Donato
Blunt V-notch Brittle Fracture: An Improved Finite Fracture Mechanics Approach
2015 Sapora, ALBERTO GIUSEPPE; Cornetti, Pietro; Carpinteri, Alberto; Firrao, Donato
Caratterizzazione di leghe Zama 2 pressocolate in riferimento a fenomeni connessi con l'invecchiamento
2015 Ubertalli, Graziano; Rosalbino, Francesco; Matteis, Paolo; Scavino, Giorgio; Firrao, Donato; Scandaliato, F.
Characterization of Welded Joints (MIG and SAW) on LDX 2101 Duplex SS
2015 Ubertalli, Graziano; Firrao, Donato; Taveri, Gianmarco
Comportamento a fatica ad alta temperatura di una ghisa sferoidale Si-Mo
2015 Matteis, Paolo; Scavino, Giorgio; A., Castello; Firrao, Donato
High-cycle fatigue resistance of Si-Mo ductile cast iron as affected by temperature and strain rate
2015 Matteis, Paolo; Scavino, Giorgio; Castello, Alessandro; Firrao, Donato
Investigation on dissimilar laser welding of advanced high strength steel sheets for the automotive industry
2015 Rossini, M.; Russo Spena, P.; Cortese, L.; Matteis, Paolo; Firrao, Donato
High temperature fatigue properties of a Si-Mo ductile cast iron
2014 Matteis, Paolo; Scavino, Giorgio; A., Castello; Firrao, Donato
Disseminating the outcomes from research on fracture mechanics and structural integrity: A brief history of the first 30 years of the Italian Group on Fracture
2013 Firrao, Donato
Influence of the microstructure on fatigue and fracture toughness properties of large heat-treated mold steels
2013 Firrao, Donato; Matteis, Paolo; RUSSO SPENA, Pasquale; R., Gerosa
Microstructural and mechanical characterization of welded joints on innovative high-strength steels
2013 O., Holovenko; M. G., Ienco; E., Pastore; M. R., Pinasco; Matteis, Paolo; Scavino, Giorgio; Firrao, Donato
Portevin–Le Chatelier effects in a high-Mn austenitic steel
2013 Scavino, Giorgio; DI SALVO, Carolina; Matteis, Paolo; Sesana, Raffaella; Firrao, Donato
Thermomechanical warm forging of Ti–V, Ti–Nb, and Ti–B microalloyed medium carbon steels
2013 RUSSO SPENA, Pasquale; Firrao, Donato
Experimental Investigation of Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of New Steels for Large Blooms
2012 A., Ghidini; Gerosa, R.; Silva, G.; Rivolta, B.; Pinasco, M. R.; Ienco, M. G. : Pastore E.; Firrao, Donato
Citazione | Data di pubblicazione | Autori | File |
Fatigue resistance of low pressure nitrided Cr-Mo low alloy steels / Firrao, D.; Ubertalli, G.; Morgano, E.; Brunelli, A.. - In: LA METALLURGIA ITALIANA. - ISSN 0026-0843. - STAMPA. - (2022), pp. 12-19. | 1-gen-2022 | D. FirraoG. Ubertalli + | 72.pdf; |
Low temperature tempering of low alloy 39NiCrMo3 and 36NiCrMo16 quenched and tempered steels / Firrao, Donato; Matteis, Paolo; De Sario, Antonio. - In: MATERIAL DESIGN & PROCESSING COMMUNICATIONS. - ISSN 2577-6576. - 3:1(2021). [10.1002/mdp2.142] | 1-gen-2021 | Firrao, DonatoMatteis, Paolo + | Firrao Matteis De Sario 2020.pdf; Firrao_et_al-2021-Material_Design_&_Processing_Communications.pdf |
Editorial / Ferro, GIUSEPPE ANDREA; Iacoviello, Francesco; Luca, Susmel; Firrao, Donato. - In: PROCEDIA STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY. - ISSN 2452-3216. - ELETTRONICO. - 18:(2019), pp. 1-2. [10.1016/j.prostr.2019.08.133] | 1-gen-2019 | Giuseppe FerroIACOVIELLO, FRANCESCODonato Firrao + | - |
Exploring the low temperature tempering range of low alloy quenched and tempered steels / Firrao, D.; Matteis, P.; De Sario, A.. - In: PROCEDIA STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY. - ISSN 2452-3216. - 18:(2019), pp. 703-710. [10.1016/j.prostr.2019.08.218] | 1-gen-2019 | Firrao, D.Matteis, P. + | Proc Struct Integ 2019.pdf |
Finite fracture mechanics predictions on the apparent fracture toughness of as-quenched Charpy V-type AISI 4340 steel specimens / Sapora, ALBERTO GIUSEPPE; Firrao, Donato. - In: FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURES. - ISSN 8756-758X. - 40:6(2017), pp. 949-958. [10.1111/ffe.12555] | 1-gen-2017 | SAPORA, ALBERTO GIUSEPPEFIRRAO, DONATO | 2017_ffems.pdf; FFE12555_proofs.pdf |
Implementation of the theory of critical distances using mesh control / Vargiu, Filippo; Sweeney, Derek; Firrao, Donato; Matteis, Paolo; Taylor, David. - In: THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS. - ISSN 0167-8442. - 92:(2017), pp. 113-121. [10.1016/j.tafmec.2017.05.019] | 1-gen-2017 | VARGIU, FILIPPOFIRRAO, DONATOMATTEIS, PAOLOTAYLOR, DAVID + | - |
An improved Finite Fracture Mechanics approach to blunt V-notch brittle fracture mechanics: Experimental verification on ceramic, metallic, and plastic materials / Sapora, ALBERTO GIUSEPPE; Cornetti, Pietro; Carpinteri, Alberto; Firrao, Donato. - In: THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS. - ISSN 0167-8442. - 78:(2015), pp. 20-24. [10.1016/j.tafmec.2015.04.004] | 1-gen-2015 | SAPORA, ALBERTO GIUSEPPECORNETTI, PIETROCARPINTERI, AlbertoFIRRAO, Donato | 2015_tafmec.pdf |
Blunt V-notch Brittle Fracture: An Improved Finite Fracture Mechanics Approach / Sapora, ALBERTO GIUSEPPE; Cornetti, Pietro; Carpinteri, Alberto; Firrao, Donato. - 1105:(2015), pp. 237-244. [10.4028/] | 1-gen-2015 | SAPORA, ALBERTO GIUSEPPECORNETTI, PIETROCARPINTERI, AlbertoFIRRAO, Donato | - |
Caratterizzazione di leghe Zama 2 pressocolate in riferimento a fenomeni connessi con l'invecchiamento / Ubertalli, Graziano; Rosalbino, Francesco; Matteis, Paolo; Scavino, Giorgio; Firrao, Donato; Scandaliato, F.. - In: LA METALLURGIA ITALIANA. - ISSN 0026-0843. - 107:6(2015), pp. 27-35. | 1-gen-2015 | UBERTALLI, GrazianoROSALBINO, FrancescoMATTEIS, PAOLOSCAVINO, GiorgioFIRRAO, Donato + | ubertalli.pdf |
Characterization of Welded Joints (MIG and SAW) on LDX 2101 Duplex SS / Ubertalli, Graziano; Firrao, Donato; Taveri, Gianmarco. - In: PROCEDIA ENGINEERING. - ISSN 1877-7058. - ELETTRONICO. - 109:(2015), pp. 484-491. [10.1016/j.proeng.2015.06.253] | 1-gen-2015 | UBERTALLI, GrazianoFIRRAO, DONATOTAVERI, GIANMARCO | - |
Comportamento a fatica ad alta temperatura di una ghisa sferoidale Si-Mo / Matteis, Paolo; Scavino, Giorgio; A., Castello; Firrao, Donato. - In: LA METALLURGIA ITALIANA. - ISSN 0026-0843. - 107:5(2015), pp. 17-22. | 1-gen-2015 | MATTEIS, PAOLOSCAVINO, GiorgioFIRRAO, Donato + | matteis.pdf |
High-cycle fatigue resistance of Si-Mo ductile cast iron as affected by temperature and strain rate / Matteis, Paolo; Scavino, Giorgio; Castello, Alessandro; Firrao, Donato. - In: METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. A, PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE. - ISSN 1073-5623. - 46:9(2015), pp. 4086-4094. [10.1007/s11661-015-3029-7] | 1-gen-2015 | MATTEIS, PAOLOSCAVINO, GiorgioFIRRAO, Donato + | - |
Investigation on dissimilar laser welding of advanced high strength steel sheets for the automotive industry / Rossini, M.; Russo Spena, P.; Cortese, L.; Matteis, Paolo; Firrao, Donato. - In: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING. - ISSN 0921-5093. - 628:(2015), pp. 288-296. [10.1016/j.msea.2015.01.037] | 1-gen-2015 | P. Russo SpenaMATTEIS, PAOLOFIRRAO, Donato + | MSEA-628-(2015)-288.pdf |
High temperature fatigue properties of a Si-Mo ductile cast iron / Matteis, Paolo; Scavino, Giorgio; A., Castello; Firrao, Donato. - In: PROCEDIA MATERIALS SCIENCE. - ISSN 2211-8128. - 3:(2014), pp. 2154-2159. [10.1016/j.mspro.2014.06.349] | 1-gen-2014 | MATTEIS, PAOLOSCAVINO, GiorgioFIRRAO, Donato + | - |
Disseminating the outcomes from research on fracture mechanics and structural integrity: A brief history of the first 30 years of the Italian Group on Fracture / Firrao, Donato. - In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE. - ISSN 0142-1123. - 46:(2013), pp. 2-3. [10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2012.08.002] | 1-gen-2013 | FIRRAO, Donato | - |
Influence of the microstructure on fatigue and fracture toughness properties of large heat-treated mold steels / Firrao, Donato; Matteis, Paolo; RUSSO SPENA, Pasquale; R., Gerosa. - In: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING. - ISSN 0921-5093. - STAMPA. - 559:(2013), pp. 371-383. [10.1016/j.msea.2012.08.113] | 1-gen-2013 | FIRRAO, DonatoMATTEIS, PAOLORUSSO SPENA, PASQUALE + | 2502976.pdf |
Microstructural and mechanical characterization of welded joints on innovative high-strength steels / O., Holovenko; M. G., Ienco; E., Pastore; M. R., Pinasco; Matteis, Paolo; Scavino, Giorgio; Firrao, Donato. - In: LA METALLURGIA ITALIANA. - ISSN 0026-0843. - STAMPA. - 105:3(2013), pp. 3-12. | 1-gen-2013 | MATTEIS, PAOLOSCAVINO, GiorgioFIRRAO, Donato + | - |
Portevin–Le Chatelier effects in a high-Mn austenitic steel / Scavino, Giorgio; DI SALVO, Carolina; Matteis, Paolo; Sesana, Raffaella; Firrao, Donato. - In: METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. A, PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE. - ISSN 1073-5623. - STAMPA. - 44:2(2013), pp. 787-792. [10.1007/s11661-012-1445-5] | 1-gen-2013 | SCAVINO, GiorgioDI SALVO, CAROLINAMATTEIS, PAOLOSESANA, RaffaellaFIRRAO, Donato | 2502972.pdf |
Thermomechanical warm forging of Ti–V, Ti–Nb, and Ti–B microalloyed medium carbon steels / RUSSO SPENA, Pasquale; Firrao, Donato. - In: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING. - ISSN 0921-5093. - STAMPA. - 560:(2013), pp. 208-215. [10.1016/j.msea.2012.09.058] | 1-gen-2013 | RUSSO SPENA, PASQUALEFIRRAO, Donato | - |
Experimental Investigation of Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of New Steels for Large Blooms / A., Ghidini; Gerosa, R.; Silva, G.; Rivolta, B.; Pinasco, M. R.; Ienco, M. G. : Pastore E.; Firrao, Donato. - In: JOURNAL OF ASTM INTERNATIONAL. - ISSN 1546-962X. - ELETTRONICO. - 9:1(2012). [10.1520/JAI103224] | 1-gen-2012 | FIRRAO, Donato + | - |