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Mostrati risultati da 123.486 a 123.505 di 138.753
Citazione Data di pubblicazione Autori File
Synthesis of mesoporous silica films by block copolymers micellization / Nistico', Roberto; Scalarone, D.; Magnacca, G.. - (2013), pp. 103-103. (Intervento presentato al convegno XLI Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Fisica tenutosi a Alessandria (Italy) nel 23/06/2013-27/06/2013). 1-gen-2013 NISTICO', ROBERTO + -
Synthesis of MgB2 thick films by electrophoresis technique: structural and superconductive characterization / Dellarocca, V.; Gonnelli, Renato; Bodoardo, Silvia; Penazzi, Nerino; Grenci, G.; Portesi, C.; Rajteri, M.; Morawski, A.; Lada, T.. - In: PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C. - ISSN 1610-1634. - STAMPA. - 2:(2005), pp. 1662-1667. [10.1002/pssc.200460808] 1-gen-2005 GONNELLI, RenatoBODOARDO, SILVIAPENAZZI, NERINO + -
Synthesis of multiple-ring-resonator filters for optical systems / Orta, Renato; Savi, Patrizia; R., Tascone; Trinchero, Daniele. - In: IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. - ISSN 1041-1135. - STAMPA. - 7:(1995), pp. 1447-1449. [10.1109/68.477278] 1-gen-1995 ORTA, RenatoSAVI, PatriziaTRINCHERO, Daniele + -
Synthesis of nanostractured MnOx for low-temperature NOx SCR / Andreoli, Silvia; Deorsola, FABIO ALESSANDRO; Pirone, Raffaele. - (2014). (Intervento presentato al convegno ISCRE 23 tenutosi a Bangkok (TH) nel 7-10 settembre 2014). 1-gen-2014 ANDREOLI, SILVIADEORSOLA, FABIO ALESSANDROPIRONE, RAFFAELE silvia bangkok.doc
SYNTHESIS OF NANOSTRUCTURED MnOx FOR LOW-TEMPERATURE NOx SCR / Andreoli, Silvia; Deorsola, FABIO ALESSANDRO; Pirone, Raffaele. - (2013). (Intervento presentato al convegno XVII National Congress of Catalysis GIC 2013 tenutosi a Riccione (IT) nel 15-18 settembre 2013). 1-gen-2013 ANDREOLI, SILVIADEORSOLA, FABIO ALESSANDROPIRONE, RAFFAELE Abstract_Riccione.pdf
Synthesis of nanostructured SiC by magnesiothermal reduction of silica from zeolite ZSM-5 and carbon: The effect of carbons from different sources / Mojarad, B. S.; Nourbakhsh, A.; Kahrizsangi, R. E.; Masoud, M.; Mackenzie, K. J. D.. - In: CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL. - ISSN 0272-8842. - 41:4(2015), pp. 5287-5293. [10.1016/j.ceramint.2014.12.007] 1-gen-2015 Masoud M. + 1-s2.0-S0272884214019282-main.pdf
Synthesis of nanostructured Zirconia to be used as orthopedic implant / ATIAS ADRIAN, ISABEL CRISTINA; Deorsola, FABIO ALESSANDRO; Vallauri, Dario; Grassini, Sabrina; Angelini, EMMA PAOLA MARIA VIRGINIA. - In: JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMATERIALS & BIOMECHANICS. - ISSN 1722-6899. - STAMPA. - 5:3(2007), pp. 214-214. 1-gen-2007 ATIAS ADRIAN, ISABEL CRISTINADEORSOLA, FABIO ALESSANDROVALLAURI, DarioGRASSINI, SabrinaANGELINI, EMMA PAOLA MARIA VIRGINIA -
Synthesis of NASICON with new compositions for electrochemical carbon dioxide sensors / Traversa, E; Montanaro, Laura; Aono, H; Sadaoka, Y.. - In: JOURNAL OF ELECTROCERAMICS. - ISSN 1385-3449. - 5 (3):(2000), pp. 261-272. 1-gen-2000 MONTANARO, Laura + -
Synthesis of new fluorinated allyl ethers for the surface modification of thiol-ene ultraviolet-curable formulations / Sangermano, Marco; Bongiovanni, Roberta Maria; Malucelli, Giulio; Priola, Aldo; A., Harden; N., Rehnberg. - In: JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE. PART A, POLYMER CHEMISTRY. - ISSN 0887-624X. - 40:(2002), pp. 2583-2590. 1-gen-2002 SANGERMANO, MARCOBONGIOVANNI, Roberta MariaMALUCELLI, GiulioPRIOLA, ALDO + -
Synthesis of new fluorinated allyl ethers for the surface modification of thiol-ene uv-curable formulations / Sangermano, M.; Bongiovanni, Roberta Maria; Malucelli, Giulio; Priola, A.; Harden, A.; Rehnberg, N.. - In: JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE. PART A, POLYMER CHEMISTRY. - ISSN 0887-624X. - 40 (15):(2002), pp. 2583-2590. 1-gen-2002 M. SANGERMANOBONGIOVANNI, Roberta MariaMALUCELLI, Giulio + -
Synthesis of new fluorinated allyl ethers for the surface modifictaion of thiol-ene UV curable formulations / Sangermano, Marco; Bongiovanni, Roberta Maria; Malucelli, Giulio; A., Priola; A., Harden; N., Rehnberg. - In: JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE. PART A, POLYMER CHEMISTRY. - ISSN 0887-624X. - (2002), pp. 2583-2590. 1-gen-2002 SANGERMANO, MARCOBONGIOVANNI, Roberta MariaMALUCELLI, Giulio + -
Synthesis of new perfluoropolyether oligomers for high performance coayings for plastics / DI GIANNI, Anna; N., Lak; Bongiovanni, Roberta Maria; A., Priola; S., Turri. - (2004). (Intervento presentato al convegno XIV European Symposium on fluorine chemistry ESFC14 tenutosi a Poznan nel 12-16 luglio 2004). 1-gen-2004 DI GIANNI, ANNABONGIOVANNI, Roberta Maria + -
Synthesis of Ni80Fe20 and Co nanodot arrays by self-assembling of polystyrene nanospheres: magnetic and microstructural properties / Tiberto, P.; Boarino, L.; Celegato, F.; Coisson, N.; Enrico, E.; de Leo, N.; Vinai, F.; Allia, PAOLO MARIA EUGENIO ICILIO. - In: JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH. - ISSN 1388-0764. - STAMPA. - 13:(2011), pp. 4211-4218. [10.1007/s11051-011-0365-4] 1-gen-2011 ALLIA, PAOLO MARIA EUGENIO ICILIO + -
Synthesis of Partitioned Shared Memory Architectures for Energy-Efficient MultiProcessor SoCs / Patel, K; Macii, Enrico; Poncino, Massimo. - (2004), pp. 700-701. (Intervento presentato al convegno DATE-04: IEEE Design Automation and Test in Europe tenutosi a Paris, France) [10.1109/DATE.2004.1268937]. 1-gen-2004 MACII, EnricoPONCINO, MASSIMO + -
Synthesis of poly(propylene-glycol-diacrylates) and properties of the photocured networks / Malucelli, Giulio; Gozzelino, Giuseppe; Ferrero, Franco; Bongiovanni, Roberta Maria; Priola, Aldo. - In: JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE. - ISSN 0021-8995. - 65:3(1997), pp. 491-497. [10.1002/(SICI)1097-4628(19970718)65:3<491::AID-APP8>3.0.CO;2-C] 1-gen-1997 MALUCELLI, GiulioGOZZELINO, GiuseppeFERRERO, FrancoBONGIOVANNI, Roberta MariaPRIOLA, ALDO -
Synthesis of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)/silver nanoprism composites through simultaneous photoinduced polymerization and electron transfer processes / Sangermano, Marco; Vivier, Florance; G., Rizza; Y., Yagci. - In: JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE. PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY. - ISSN 1060-1325. - STAMPA. - 51:(2014), pp. 511-513. [10.1080/10601325.2014.906265] 1-gen-2014 SANGERMANO, MARCOVIVIER, FLORANCE + -
Synthesis of poly[oligo(hexafluoropropylene oxide) perfluoroisopropenylether (PIPE)] graft copolymers with vinylidene fluoride (VDF) using CF3 radicals / Burgess, T. J.; Vitale, A.; Joly-Duhamel, C.; Bongiovanni, R.; Manseri, A.; Ono, T.; Ameduri, B.; Friesen, C. M.. - In: POLYMER CHEMISTRY. - ISSN 1759-9954. - ELETTRONICO. - 10:48(2019), pp. 6651-6661. [10.1039/c9py01453e] 1-gen-2019 Vitale A.Bongiovanni R. + oligo(HFPO)-g-PVDF_submitted.pdfBurgess_Polym Chem_2019.pdfoligo(HFPO)-g-PVDF_post rev.pdf
Synthesis of polyaniline-based inks for inkjet printed devices: Electrical characterization highlighting the effect of primary and secondary doping / Chiolerio, Alessandro; Bocchini, Sergio; Scaravaggi, Francesco; Porro, Samuele; Perrone, Denis; Beretta, Davide; Caironi, Mario; Pirri, Candido. - In: SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. - ISSN 0268-1242. - 30:10(2015), p. 104001. [10.1088/0268-1242/30/10/104001] 1-gen-2015 CHIOLERIO, ALESSANDROBOCCHINI, SERGIOPORRO, SAMUELEPERRONE, DENISCAIRONI, MARIOPIRRI, Candido + Chiolerio_2015_Semicond._Sci._Technol._30_104001.pdf
Synthesis of polyaniline-based inks, doping thereof and test device printing towards electronic applications / Bocchini, Sergio; Chiolerio, Alessandro; Porro, Samuele; Accardo, Daisy; Garino, Nadia; Bejtka, K.; Perrone, Denis; Pirri, Candido. - In: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. C. - ISSN 2050-7526. - STAMPA. - 1:33(2013), pp. 5101-5109. [10.1039/c3tc30764f] 1-gen-2013 BOCCHINI, SERGIOCHIOLERIO, ALESSANDROPORRO, SAMUELEACCARDO, DAISYGARINO, NADIAK. BejtkaPERRONE, DENISPIRRI, Candido -
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